Managing Brands On The QuiltingHub Network


How are the QuiltingHub quilting brand listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.

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Managing Brands On The QuiltingHub Network


QuiltingHub Network Listings

The listing content of QuiltingHub Network is maintained by the community and not by QuiltingHub. We (at QuiltingHub) do not edit the listing content–you do. One of the reasons QuiltingHub has more accurate listings then anyone else is that the people who list their Listings(Stores, Guilds, Services, Brands, etc) keep their own content accurate without having to go through an overloaded central person to do all the updates requested of them. The Listing administrators have access to log-in anytime and make any corrections needed without any delays. In addition, Quilters who view the listings and notice errors click the “No” next to “Is This Listing Accurate?” to report errors directly to the listing administrators for repair immediately without any delays. This means the entire content is community maintained and not maintained by a centralized and overloaded person like in the old days or from other outdated source books and sites that might still exist. Those other sources are welcome to join the QuiltingHub Network and rid themselves off all the manual update requests. Email QuiltingHub@gmail.com if you would like to join the QuiltingHub Network of sites and free yourself of time so you can concentrate on other things like growing your visibility.

Managing Brands To The QuiltingHub Network


As A Brand Owner:

As a Brand owner who lists quilting brand on the QuiltingHub Network, you can add your brand at any time by going to quiltinghub.com and clicking “Advertise Your Organization” and after your group is a published listing, you can click “Advertise Your Event” as many times as you like for as many events as you have. There is no better way to advertise events than on the QuiltingHub Network. Advertise ONCE and you appear everywhere! Plus making changes is easy. Make a change, and it appears everywhere. Memberships for shops are only $10 a month. Unlike the days of the Quilter’s Travel Companion, you do not have to buy and sell books to be listed. It is a simple, easy, and affordable monthly membership fee to be listed. You can’t get any better, right?


As A Quilter?

Remember, QuiltingHub is community maintained, so if you see an organization is not listed; tell them to list themselves immediately. If you see a listing in error, go to quiltingHub.com and click “No” next to “Is This Listing accurate?” directly on their listing page. This alerts EVERY admin for that listing a notice of the error you are reporting and any one of those admins can hop on to the site and fix it. So do your part to keep QuiltingHub Network accurate and do both of these things as you see the need. Do not ask QuiltingHub to make additions or updates. We do not know the details as well as you do, so make it happen by doing the above two things as often as you see the need.



Adding Listings:

For more details about when and how to add various listing types, we have created several additional articles:

  • QuiltingHub Network Listings
  • Adding/Editing Museums
  • Adding/Editing Online Museums
  • Adding/Editing Service Providers
  • Adding/Editing Quilting Museums
  • Adding/Editing Guild Brands
  • Adding/Editing Quilting Brands


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