Advertising On The QuiltingHub Network


The QuiltingHub Network is a collection of websites that help you publicize your organization and events.

You are not yet an admin of a listing on the network. You can not add events to a listing. Use the 'My Account' menu to maintain your listings and events.

Click add a listing, request admin access from your current admin, or contact-us.

Our content is maintained by you. We do not add, edit, start or stop listings or events. Events are added by clicking the 'add an event' button on any member listing detail page. Each listing can have any number of admins. You control your content and admins.

Contact us for help.


To add content, you need to login or register (top right of the screen).

To add an event, you must be an admin of a published listing.

To add an organization, click add a listing.

If unsure, start with add a listing and we will guide you.

If your organization is not quilting related, contact us for guidance.



About Listings

Listings are published information about any quilting related organization and may appear across the entire QuiltingHub Network. Listings may be a full or partial listing, and may be free or have a limited membership fee to cover the cost of running the network.


Listing Levels

  • Full Listing - Complete member listing. Low membership fee. Free for guilds. Unlimited events. Appears on the entire Network. Best Value.
  • Partial Listing - Name and a point on the map only. Zero detail. For quilt shops only.
  • Name Only - Brands can appear name only.


Listing Types

  • Quilt guilds/groups, guild networks, and associations - Full listing - Free
  • Service providers (such as quilters and teachers) - Full Listing - $3/mo USD.
  • Quilt Shops - (Partial Listing - Free) or (Full Listing - $8/mo USD). Full listings may include online quilt shops and/or services for no additional membership fees.
  • Online Quilt Shops - Full Listing - $8/mo USD
  • Brands - (Full Listing - $8/mo USD) or (Name Only - Free). Links to and from all your shops. Where-to-buy map.
  • Museums - Full Listing - $3/mo USD.
  • Blogs - Supported by request only. Fees vary.


About Events

  • Every physical event type is supported.
  • Entered under any full member listing.
  • Entered by any admin of that listing.
  • Unlimited number of events.


Information By Listing Type



What Other Members Say

QuiltingHub gives quilters and advertisers more than anyone else. Here is what our advertisers say:

  • Rhonda Koning of West Pasco Quilters Guild - Port Richey, FL says "I thought the process was super easy and the result very organized!"
  • Deycie Luke of Quilt Cabin - Ririe, Idaho says "Did you know QuiltingHub controls 75% of the quilting advertising market? Think about it; all that for 8 bucks. I'm sorry I ever hesitated to sign up!" (read endorsement)
  • Heather Magee of Rushin' Tailor's Quilt Alaska says "Not only has he helped get our information out to the world, which leads customers to our retail store and our online website, he has offered hours of advice in advertising, social networking, and how to market ourselves properly. The marketing knowledge he provides both inside and outside of quiltinghub.com is priceless!" (read endorsement)
  • Bruce & Francine at Paradise Quilting say QuiltingHub provided the best service they have seen from any quilting resources directory. (read endorsement)

  • Karen Stephens at Speckled Hen Quilts says to activate your membership now. (read endorsement)
  • Barb Grutter at Garden Path Quilts Says Invest In QuiltingHub. (read endorsement)