2024 Houston Quilt Show - My Personal Favorites


The International Quilt Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary this year in Houston, Texas, showcasing hundreds of quilts in numerous categories. Here are seven of my personal favorites from the show.

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2024 Houston Quilt Show - My Personal Favorites


The International Quilt Festival is the largest consumer quilt show in the world. Beyond the extensive classes and vendor exhibits, a main feature of the event is their quilts on display. A large portion of the George R. Brown Convention Center is devoted to exhibiting hundreds of awesome quilts with plenty of space and lighting to showcase these beauties. I previously wrote about the main award winners from the show, but I wanted to share some of my favorites at the show.

2024 Houston Quilt My Personal Favorites


Prismatic Enigma - by Maureen Moore Scheevel

The maker modified a pattern to make this quilt, which used over 1,800 batik fabric strips. The quilter, Denita Powell, had over 400,000 stitches in the quilting using both a commercial pattern and her own digital design. The black background helped to make this design pop."



An Endangered Pollinator - by Luana Rubin

This quilt is a tribute to an endangered butterfly in Colorado. The right-side wings are an accurate representation, while the left serves as a &34;fantasy memory of an almost-extinct species.&34; In the background is a north-facing mountain where the butterfly dwells.

An Endangered Pollinator


A Peek Through a Kaleidoscope - by Penelope Boese

This Arizona-based quilter used &34;vivid colors and shapes that intertwine&34; to suggest the moment just before a kaleidoscope changes to a new image. The result was quite breathtaking and highlighted how the shapes, colors, and images were mirrored throughout the quilt.



Garden Party - by Kim Keller

A variety of blooms borders this bright garden scene. But looking closely reveals hidden shapes and images, making for a delightful scene. The more you looked, the more you saw



Friendship Baskets - by Kari Hawkins

This utilized machine piecing and applique. The design, while original, was based on two quilting books. &34;The free-style baskets, machine applique flowers, and Square-in-a-Square blocks were made in the style of the two books.&34; Then, the quilter, Sarah Paladino, added some variegated cotton thread to hand-quilt the flowers to enhance the look.



Timeless Moment - by Mimi Ghauri-Young

The quilt is based on an image of Patagonia. The maker wanted to showcase a landscape with a sunset and water reflections to &34;suggest timelessness, calm, and serenity.&34; She nailed it.



Painted_Buntings - by Kathy Kennedy

The final quilt was produced using an interesting process. The maker digitally printed this design from a painting by her husband. She then layered six panels to fashion hexagon blocks to create this final version of the two birds.



With so many quilts on display, judging them and issuing the coveted awards is hard. I don't envy the judges. These quilts were engaging and made me stop and examine the designs. These are just some of my favorite quilts that were on display.


The International Quilt Festival will be in Houston, Texas, from October 9 to 12, 2025. Make plans now to attend and see the quilts in person.


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Attaching individual pieces of fabric to a background to form a design.

Same As: Appliqué

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Machine Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique
A cloth which traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique. Due to modern advances in the textile industry, the term has been extended to include fabrics which incorporate traditional batik patterns even if they are not produced using the wax-resist dyeing techniques. Silk batik is especially popular.
A quilt block pattern that is pieced so it looks like an image seen through a kaleidoscope.
Machine Applique
Attaching fabric onto a fabric foundation using machine stitching instead of hand stitching.

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique, Applique
Machine Piecing
Sewing patches in a quilt block together using a sewing machine instead of sewing them together by hand.

See Also: English Paper Piecing, Assembly Piecing, Chain Piecing, Paper Piecing, Hand Piecing, Piecing
Mark Bach
Mark Bach is an accomplished freelance writer covering multiple fields and embroiders on his wife's projects. He features new trends in the quilting industry and is always on the lookout for new tools and tricks to make quilting easier.
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