Please login

You need click login (above) to add and maintain your listing.

Continue or Delete?

Select Your Organization Name & Address

If your organization is in the list, select it. If not, select none.

Select your organization from the list

Your Website Address

If you have a website, enter the complete web address. If not just click next.

Enter your website

Your Facebook Address

If you have a Facebook page, enter the complete address. If not just click next.

Enter your Facebook page address

Your Organization's Phone Number

If your organization has a phone number, enter it here. If not just click next.

Enter a phone number


You have claimed your listing. Click next to visit your new page.


Select Your Meeting Place

If your meeting place is in the list, select it. If not, select none then click next

Select your meeting place from the list

When is your next meeting?

Enter the next date, start time, and ending time of your meeting.

Enter a Date
Enter the start time
Enter the End time

About Your Quilting Organization

Select each true statement about your quilting organization below

Select each true statement

Chose Your Primary Focus

Select the primary focus of your business (and this listing)

Select each true statement

Chose Your Primary Focus

Select the primary focus of your business (and this listing)

Select each true statement

Your Meeting Place Address

Enter your organization's meeting place address. Do not use PO BOX.

Enter an address

Your Organization's Address

Enter your organization's address. Do not use PO BOX.

Enter an address

Your Organization's Meeting Place Name

Enter name of your most common meeting place

Enter a MeetingPlace number

This May Already Exist

Your listing might already exist. Select it or none.

Select your existing listing from the list

Already Listed

This listing is claimed by someone else. Let's try to grant you access. Select an admin, then give us there complete email address to gain access.

Select which of the following is an existing admin
Enter the complete email address

How to add an event

To add an event, click [My Account] > [Add An Event] or click the button below.

How to add an event

You can add events after you add your organization.

Let's start over, but this time enter your organization, and tell us about your organization (not the event).

Once you have published your member organization, you can add an event from [My Account] > [Add An Event].

Special Case Listing

Your listing type may be a special case. Please describe your situation and click send email.

Enter the complete email address
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