Listing And Member Page Policy


Defines the policy for listings and member pages on QuiltingHub

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Listing And Member Page Policy



If your organization matches a listing or member page type on this site, you may have a listing or member page. If not, contact us. For the purpose of this document, a member page or a free listing will be referred to as a 'page.' A page is a place to highlight a shop, guild, museum, service provider or brands. Guilds are free and others have a nominal member page fee that will always be affordable. The subscription fee is paid monthly and is subject to change at any time. You may cancel at any time. To avoid interruption of service your subscription will automatically renew each month until you cancel your subscription. If payment fails, the page may be removed from public view.


Your duties as a subscriber with a page:

Keep your page as accurate as possible. Respond to community error alert emails. Keep you email address accurate to receive alerts and newsletters. An invalid email address may cause your page to be hidden from the public. We do not edit, start, or stop listings. If your page has a fee, you are responsible for keeping your credit card information up to date to keep your page active. Payments are month to month and you can cancel at any time. Because it is month to month and you control your payment, there are no refunds. If you are having an issue with the billing process, please let us know. If your page strays from the proper page type, it may be removed. If there is a dispute for which we are determined to not be at fault, you are responsible for any and all dispute fees.


Our responsibility to you, a subscriber with a page:

QuiltingHub and the users want accurate information. Systems are put in place to keep you informed of user report errors and the monthly newsletter. You will receive a billing draft notice once a month (unless you turn it off), and your credit card will be drafted each month on the anniversary date. If your card fails, we will send you up to three notices over 11 days to give you time to correct the issue. If not, your listing will expire, and all special rates will be forfeited. We will do our best to handle all questions and concerns, but we remind you - we do not edit, start, or stop listings.


Additional options for subscribers to grow:

In this section, we discuss things you are not responsible for as a subscriber, but could help you grow your business or group.

  1. Any subscriber with a page may request to have a prize be offered in the regular user contests. This will give you additional advertising for only the costs of the prize(s) and any postage. If you wish to be considered, contact us with the prize(s) you would like to offer, the type of contest, and when. Subscribers with the most attractive prizes will likely be selected.
  2. If your page can be rated, try to support a high rating. It takes at least 5 users (other than employees) to rate your page before the rating will appear. Start out by having your five (or more) favorite patrons sign up for the website (for free) and rate your page. Whenever you get a rating we feel is kind of low, we notify you and give you a short time to resolve it. This is not publicized to the community because we do not want patrons using this as a method of handling complaints, but please resolve the issue as soon as possible. Remember: a happy patron tells 3 others, while an unhappy one tells 10. It is worth your time to just settle the matter and get the better rating.
  3. Add 'rate us on QuiltingHub' to your business cards, stationary and signage to increase your rating.
  4. Users get points for contests, but your page can also get points which are accumulated from all the users with admin access to your page. The more those users do collectively to earn points, the more points your page receives. While their are currently no prizes for these points; it does show your page is a contributor to the community. So, feel free to assign different people to admin access to the page. Give a few people access to correct the contents of your page. When a user reports a potential page error all of those people will have a chance to correct it, which means it may be fixed while you are on vacation! Give some else access to handle credit card payment authority. Encourage those users to get points in the current contests. Spread the workload out and obtain points for your page.
  5. You can win contests yourself, even if you are a subscriber. You get points for every page you help to add and/or get officially activated on the system. So, if you are the first page in your area and you know of three other shops and two guilds in your area. Be the first to add them and then encourage them to signup and activate their entities. This will give you the maximum points. If you have friends and associates out of your area, feel free to add them for even more points. If you know of brands or service providers that are not activated, add them and get them to activate it. (See contests for more information.)
  6. Does your page support events? If it does, feel free to add events to the calendar that will bring patrons to your page. If you are a shop and many shops in your area get together for a regular shop hop, get your group to post the event and name each others shops as participating in the event. Have other events you want to post, post them. (See event calendar for more information).
  7. Do you have a shop that sells products? As a shop, patrons want to know what you sell. They can even search for shops that sell a particular brand. You can select the brands you sell from the brands tab of your page. You can only select Brands that we know exist (whether activated or not). Activated brands are click-able and searchable. Inactivated brands still appear in your list. Regularly visit this page to select any new brands. Better yet, if you know of a lot that can be added; feel free to add them and have them activate themselves on the website. This will give you points, help you win contests, allow you to select more brands and grow you business.
  8. Are you a brand that sells products through shops? Add those shops to the system, have them activate the shop and choose you as a brand they sell. You also earn points for this in the contests.
  9. Have a guild with some amazing people in it and you want to compete against another guild? Remember that members of your guild need to be users of this website, and you need to have them as 'member access' under the admin access to your page. All users points activity will add up to the page level at the end of the month. You could set up a contest between your guild and another guild that the guild with the most points (added or total) by the end of the month will win something of your choosing (Pie contest, a hobby item, a trip, cook for the other...) . (See contests for more information.)


Event Calendar:

Subscribers with entities that allow for the posting of events, can post events within the calendar. The events must be related to your page or group of entities if you are posting a shop hop. Some page types such as guilds may sponsor an event that is not actually directly run by their group. In this case, the even has to be sponsored by the page or group. If this event posting gets abused, the page may lose access to posting events. Events could be abused if too many postings are occurring. This should be a real event. If a page is posting too many events without substance, the page may lose access to posting events.

Events have a region intent as well. It usually corresponds to the region intent on the page, but it may be larger. For example, a local group may put on a national event. A national group may sponsor a worldwide event. For more information on region intent see Region intent under the page guidelines.


Listing Guidelines:

Address & Geographic location on the earth:

Entities with a physical address and all events are found by users using their geographic point on the earth. While efforts have been made to convert the address information you give us for the location into a point on the earth, it does not always work. Whenever you enter an address into the system for a page or an event, please double check the position on the map is accurate. If it is not, drag the point to the correct location. Customers and patrons will not find you if the location is incorrect. Some entities like service providers may not want people stopping by their place of business. In those cases, you can select to have your exact address hidden. In any case, double check by performing searches as a user would to see if you can find your page in the intended ways a user would search for it.

Region Intent:

Your page has a region intent of local, national or worldwide. Some page types do not have all of these options. Local is a page that is intended for local people to visit or make use of your page. National does not serve a local area, but serves the entire country. Worldwide serves the entire world, not just a country or a local area. It is important to recognize that if you have a physical store, you will want to be local. This is helpful because users will search for you based on your region intent. If a user is looking for a store in a local area, they will select local for region intent on the search page with a local address as the center point. All pages marked as local will appear if they are close by. If you set your page as national, they will not find your page because they are looking for local only and you did not select local. Most stores and service providers should be local to maximize your being found. Internet stores and service providers without a location people can walk up to may be local or worldwide. If the languages your support is only for that country and your website is only in that language; you might be better off selecting national. If you are worldwide company supporting multiple languages, then select worldwide. Under each supported language, you can enter different contact information for customers to talk to. In France, give your French contact. In South America give your Spanish contact.

Your Contact Information:

In an effort to give you the privacy of the contact information, we allow you to enter the contacts name, phone number and email address. It is highly recommended that you enter all this information in case we (the website support) need to contact you. However, you can chose to hide any or all of this information from the general public. Simply click the hide check box next to the item you do not wish to display to the public. You can turn it on or off at any time. If it is hidden, only the system operators of the website can view the information. Again, we highly recommend you enter it all even if you are hiding it to allow us to contact you in case of issues. You will get emails from the system for alerts about user reported issues, payment issues, page issues or website updates you need to be aware of. You may be called if the matter is more urgent and we share the same language.

In the case of groups, public contact information is encouraged to allow users to contact you for more information. If you do not wish to supply this, please place a comment in your page directing them to your websites contact us page for further information.

Listing Type:

When selecting an page type, please select the page type that most reflects the largest portion of your page. For example, if you are a physical store and a service provider. Select the type for which most of your business is conducted. Some page types allow for this dual purpose, while others do not. If you encounter an instance where you are two separate types like a physical store and an internet store, you can do one of the following:

  1. Choose the type of most your business (example: physical store), and then lightly mention in the text description that customers can buy products on your website as well. Many people expect this these days, so there is no need for a separate page.
  2. Enter a page for each, and then later combined the two into combined billing for your ease of use.
  3. Tell us about the situation so we can help advise you on how to resolve the matter. We may be about to release an upgrade that may solve the issue. Either way, we would like to know about the situation.

Some page types are not allowed on to be posted on the system, and others are not yet available that we may add. For example, a website that does fundamentally the same thing as this website, is obviously not permitted to exist or be referenced anywhere within the system. Listing types that do not exist, but may be added at a future date are still being determined. We may support indirect shops which are shops that do direct directly support the chosen hobby but may have patrons visit. We may add hobby friendly inns and restaurants in localities that are highly visited by the hobby community. If you have an page type that does not fit any of the existing molds and you would like us to consider it, please let us know by using the contact us.

Reserved right to not activate:

At any time either party may choose to deactivate the page. All a subscriber need to do is to go to the credit card information and select stop billing the card to stop the page. Since the page is paid for after the fact, the page will stop immediately. We reserve the right to deactivate a page at any time for any reason. Most likely this will be for not following the guidelines of the system or for potentially non user friendly content or practices. We are only human, and we will likely make mistakes. Please do not take this personally. if this happens to you and you feel it was an error; please contact us. We will make it right.


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