Growing The Quilting Industry


Discusses the ways you can grow quilting for you and regionally around you. Gives you a wide range of articles and direction to help accomplish growth.

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Growing The Quilting Industry

Since our beginning, QuiltingHub has been devoted to helping our members and all of quilting expand worldwide.  As a powerful website used by over 400,000 quilters at a rate of over 1 Million page views a month; our insightful articles and member content has become a dominant force in the industry at achieving that goal. Join our team or view our open positions.

Our full member listings get high visibility in a powerful light, plus our training articles teach quilt shops, guilds, and all others in the industry how to grow quilting both inside and outside of the site.

Here is a brief list of some of sectors of the industry we have focused on since 2009:

Growing/Expanding The Quilting Industry


1. Quilt Shops

Most of our education has been centered around keeping quilt shops open and making them profitable. Some of the key education articles include:

  1. Tips On Growing Your Quilt Shop in Any Economy
  2. Quilt Shop Talk - Greeting New Customers
  3. Growing Your Quilt Shop With Classes For Young People
  4. Quilt Shop Owner Member Benefits
  5. Using The Quilter's Trip Planner
  6. Make Your Listing Stand Out
  7. Top 5 Ideas to Market Your Quilt Shop
  8. Get More Customers To Your Quilt Shop?
  9. Top 5: Get Repeat Customers Into Your Quilt Shop

Note: Quilt shops are added and edited by the quilters and shops, not QuiltingHub. Shops are then claimed (on their listing) and maintained by their owners or will be removed. Free shop listings (consisting of a name, address, and a point on the map) get little visitors. Quilters prefer upgraded member shop listings with nice photos and events in their calendar. Upgrading to a membership is only 27 cents a day. Endorsed by shops owners as the best value in the industry. View the benefits of membership now.


2. Online Quilt Shops

We have focused on ways for these shops to get more customers. Some of the key education articles include:

  1. Using Facebook Business Pages
  2. Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Facebook
  3. Maximize Your Online Shop Listing on QuiltingHub
  4. Online Quilt Shop Owner Member Benefits


3. Quilt Guilds and Groups

Many guilds are suffering a growth issue and others are experiencing a low show attendance. Oddly enough they are mostly related to how they treat younger quilters or new styles/methods. Some of the key education articles include:

  1. Tips On Publicizing Your Guild Shows
  2. Attract More Quilters To Your Guild and Shows?
  3. Quilt Guild/Group Member Benefits


4. Quilt Brands

Large and small brands both want to experience more customers, more retail outlets, and more sales. We cover many of these topics in the articles below:

  1. Using Facebook Business Pages
  2. Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Facebook
  3. Maximize Your Brand Listing on QuiltingHub
  4. Quilt Brand Member Benefits


5. Service Providers

A large number of service providers want more business. The following articles have appeared to help with this.

  1. How To Attract More Younger Customers To Your Service?
  2. Using Facebook Business Pages
  3. Maximize Your Service Listing on QuiltingHub
  4. Service Provider Member Benefits


6. Quilt Museums

Museums want to share knowledge and increase patronage. Some of the key topics are covered below:

  1. Attracting Younger Visitors To Your Museum
  2. Using Facebook Business Pages
  3. Maximize Your Museum Listing on QuiltingHub
  4. Museum Owner Member Benefits


7. Quilters

As a quilter, you can help grow the industry as well by:

  • supporting your local resources (guilds, shops, services, and museums) and helping them to grow
  • encouraging people to sew and quilt through creating classes at schools, guilds, and local quilt shops


What Can I do To Help?

QuiltingHub is making great strides at improving the industry. If you want to submit an article, contact us or if you want to join our team view our open positions. If you want your organization to be a member of QuiltingHub to maximize your visibility, go to our home page and visit the List Your Information section for more information on all the wonderful member benefits.


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