Quilt Shop Talk - Greeting New Customers


A brief discussion of greeting new customers in quilt shops.

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Quilt Shop Talk - Greeting New Customers

This is a particularly hot topic for me, because I have seen many quilt shops where no one greets new customers as they enter the shop. The shop is often empty, so there is no reason for them to not greet the person. One shop in my area is particularly bad at this. Every single employee does not greet anyone. Other shops in the area are thriving. Some more than others. When I look at what is different, it is often only the fact that everyone is pleasant, warm, welcoming, and they let everyone know they are there to help you.

Quilt Shop Talk - Greeting New Customers


This is why today's topic is so very important. We need to greet new customers and make them feel comfortable. Often a new person walks into the shop and they are apprehensive about asking for help, or they are uncomfortable entering the shop.

Shop owners and employees may look at someone who walked in and think they are not a quilter. Do not make this assumption. Regardless of whether they are young, old, male, or female, greet them all the same. Even if you are with a customer, take a quick moment to say your opening greeting.

Greetings vary, but they should be warm and allow questions. Some examples are:

  • "Welcome to the shop. If there is anything we can do to help you, let us know."
  • "Hi. My name is Mary. If there is any way I can help, please let me know."
  • "Hi. I can help you in a moment. In the meantime, you are welcome to look around."
  • "Good morning. Please let us know if we can help."
You do not want to scare away potential customers. You want to welcome them and let them know you are there to serve their needs. They will remember this and come back. You do not want them remembering that you or your employees were cold and ignoring them. That will cause them not to come back, and likely tell others not to visit you either.



In Summary

Greeting people as they come in the door is important to growing your business. You and your employees should do it early, and do it often. This often is one of the most important keys to growing your business.


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Here are some additional resources to consider:

  • Subscribe to "Quilt Shop" Talk on YouTube.
  • Contact Us if you have any questions or topics for future discussions and videos.
  • A private discussion has begun in the QuiltingHub Quilt Shop Forum, which is only for QuiltingHub quilt shop members, brand members, and their reps. This keeps the discussion private and away from your customers. If you are already a member of QuiltingHub, click the forum. If you are considering membership, visit QuiltingHub membership benefits and fees for more information.


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