Trading On A Level Playing Field
The Internet is a great equalizer when it comes to shopping. Whether the online website is a small Mom-and-Pop partnership or backed by a nationwide franchise makes no difference. This is one instance when size doesn't matter.
Competing with the big box stores out in the real world can be an exercise in futility. Most of the time smaller quilting stores are only just getting by. Things are very different in the virtual trading world of the Internet. In digital land, all business is created equal.
What matters online is excellent customer service backed by a user friendly, easy to navigate website. Combine your top quality goods and services with reasonable shipping, and you'll soon attract customers to your online store. Give them exceptional value for money, they'll keep coming back.
A fully functional and attractive website is attainable by any quilting business. Not just the big name franchises. The Internet is the only place where you can compete on a level playing field.
Another plus; the more activity you have online the more business awareness you will develop. Suddenly, customers who never knew your quilting store was in their neighborhood will be walking through your door.
An online presence doesn't just expand your potential income stream across the Internet. It also improves the revenue you can make in your physical quilt store.