Growing Quilting Through Social Media


The quilting industry has gone under profound changes recently. Make sure your quilting group or business is aware of these changes and adapts accordingly.

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Growing Quilting Through Social Media

We in the quilting industry (as a whole) have not done a good job of reaching out to next generation quilters who find everything on the internet. To help pass on the legacy to the next generation and grow the industry, we all need to reach out to them.

By doing this, we will grow a larger quilting community. If we all contribute, it will happen. Whether you are a shop, guild, teacher, brand or provide services to quilters, getting more involved in the web will help us all.

Growing Quilting Through Social Media


Areas you can use include:


Facebook is a social bulletin board that allows you to post messages and images to generate and maintain interest. Users re-share this information which grows your following and keeps interest.


Pinterest is a picture based bulletin board where you post images to generate interest or share what you are doing. Users can click which brings them back to you which generates and keeps interest. InstaGram was once thought it would replace Pinterest for quilters.


Blogs give you the chance to show who you are, what you are about, or what is going on. Blogs can be re-posted by users to grow your following or to keep interest.


YouTube is to share videos and is great for when words and pictures are not enough to get a message across. Videos are shared by users which keeps and generates interest.


QuiltingHub ties all of quilting together in one place. Users can accurately find all events, shops, museums, services and brands in one place. They can even plan trips based on what they can visit or do. This increases you being found.



How Was This Discovered & What Is Going On?

Working in this industry since 2010, I have witnessed the older generation leaving the field and younger quilters entering it. They no longer use paper; they use their phones. Much of the industry still believes that quilters are older, and it is hurting them and their businesses. If they do not adapt to marketing on the internet, their buinesses will falter.

If we do not embrace the next generation quilter in their medium (the web and smart phones), the industry and quilting will continue to stall. Learn and make changes to your business today.

What You Can Do


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