Internet Wonderland For Quilters - YouTube


YouTube allows you to bring motion pictures

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Internet Wonderland For Quilters - YouTube

So many times a client will say to you, "Can you show me? I need to see how you do it."

That's what YouTube can do. A video shows them simply, personally, and easily just how to do it.

YouTube is a collection of all kinds of videos. Many are for entertainment, but they make a premier platform for education.


Show me:

Nothing shows off new technique, product, or ideas better than a short video.


Tell me:

Nothing is more personal than a video talking to people. As the whole movie industry knows, motion pictures are living film.


Video Concerns:

Video cameras have come a long way, and they're as simple as you can imagine. Most cameras have a video setting. But editing is not simple or easy. For more complicated efforts, special software and special help is really valuable. They can help you map out what you want to say and how to say it best.

YouTube is the largest site for putting your videos out to everyone. And it's easy to post them from there to any other kind of site. Blogs, websites, Pinterest, and Facebook all easily embed videos.


Will you need help with YouTube?

If it's anything but a simple effort, you may. But it's worthy. That movie of you or your product is as personal as a conversation in their living room. And as helpful. Often people's choices come down to who has a video that will help them through the next step.


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Ellen Eddy

Ellen has spent most of her life teaching, writing or working with fabric, and now she’s come to a point where all occupations blend.  She began quilting in response to a gift from a neighbor who saved a quilt top from one of her mother’s cleaning fits, and gave it to her, quilted, once she was grown.  She has been quilting ever since.  She currently teaches for quilt guilds and conferences a series of fiber art courses covering all kinds of machine embroidery techniques for quilters.  

Her quilt, Dancing in the Light was acquired in June 2010 by the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY.

Her book, Thread  Magic Garden, is now available from C&T Publishers. Her  first book, Thread Magic- The Enchanted World of Ellen Anne Eddy,  has proved to be a classic text on free motion and fiber art. Recently Ellen has started her own publication company, Thread Magic Studio Press, and has published small classroom books for herself and other teachers.

She has written for numerous fiber arts publications, including Quilting Arts, American Quilter, and Quilter’s Newsletter, Threads and Fiber Arts.

She also consults with stores/artists / and other quilting professionals on how to use social media as free/low cost advertisement. and community building.

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