When asked why they quilt, there are as many answers as there are quilters. In the past, people quilted out of necessity. They made quilts to keep themselves and their families warm. These days, we have many options to keep us safe and warm, but we still quilt. We did some research to see why people say they quilt, and we heard many answers that you would expect:
We also heard a lot of other answers, some of which may surprise you:
Quilting has many benefits. Stress relief is one of the first answers from many quilters’. Socialization was also mentioned often, along with a sense of accomplishment. It seems that quilters’ enjoy the time spent with other quilters’ even if they are only talking about quilting. A day of shopping with your quilt friends is not only fun, it offers an opportunity for you to gather ideas for future quilts. Quilters’ gain inspiration from each other, and are quick to share their latest project and ideas. Tips and hints are shared rather than hoarded, like they are with many crafts. Teaching others is something that most quilters’ enjoy. Social classes seem almost non-existent in the quilting world. Whether you piece quilt tops, do long-arm quilting, make quilts to donate, or sell your quilts, everyone is accepted.
Quilting is a good way to increase your confidence, as you gain more with every completed quilt. Consider the way you feel when the recipient (or everyone who looks at your quilt) offers compliments and praise. Yup, another confidence builder. Every time that you create a quilt that includes a technique that you have not tried before, you expand your skill set… and gain more confidence.
Quilting keeps your mind strong. The math and figuring involved is great for your cognitive ability. Color selection, determining fabric quantities needed, pattern following, problem solving… these are all great ways to keep your brain healthy! And best of all, it is fun.
So, the next time someone tells you to do something besides make another quilt, you can tell them you’re not just working on a quilt, you are working on yourself!
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Vicki has over 30 years of writing experience with many successful publications such as Stained Glass News, SGN Publishing and Quilter's Digest. For more information about Vicki, visit www.stainedglassnews.com