Table Runner Instructions - Crossed Hearts


Quilting Contessa covers the step by step guide to making a jelly-role runner called Crossed Hearts.

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Table Runner Instructions - Crossed Hearts

Quilting Contessa covers the step by step guide to making a jelly-role runner called Crossed Hearts.

Table Runner Instructions - Crossed Hearts





Any heart shape will work for the applique template; cookie cutter, chocolate box, or draw your own. Transfer your heart shape to fusible web and make 5 applique hearts in various fabrics.


Orient fat quarters with short side on top/bottom. Working on long 22" side, position contrasting applique hearts above and below the center, around 6" and 16". Iron in place. Note: If you are not using darning foot for quilting, go ahead and blanket stitch the applique edges now.



Next, cut FQs into 2.5"x22" strips, cutting heart appliques in half. Remember to leave a generous ¼" seam allowance on the outside edge of hearts, even if you need to expand the width of your strips a little. Consider cutting a heart in thirds. Cut some plain strips too. You need 14 strips total.



Scroll strips so hearts align. Set some hearts upside-down. Notice the ends of strips will not align when quilt top is finished. NOTE: Don’t worry if the half hearts don’t exactly re-align. This is “random piecing," and they will look awesome when we redraw them with quilting.



Prepare quilt sandwich. With darning foot, freestyle applique stitch the hearts. Choose a few hearts to echo quilt. Quilt 2 large random hearts facing in different directions.



Square up quilt to approximately 20" wide. Use the shortest strip on each side for your guide. Finish with your favorite binding method.



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Attaching individual pieces of fabric to a background to form a design.

Same As: Appliqué

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Machine Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique
The fabric on the back of a Quilt Sandwich (Top, Batting and Backing).

Same As: Lining
The layer in the middle of a quilt sandwich between the Top and Backing layers consisting of wool, polyester, blends, silk, or cotton.

Same As: Stuffing, Filling, Wadding, Filler
Binding is used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun it is the fabric that's used to cover the raw edges of the quilt sandwich after it's quilted. This edging fabric is referred to as the Binding (noun). As a verb it is the process of putting on this fabric, and it referred to as Binding a Quilt.
A quilt that is so badly damaged or worn that it's only purpose now is to be cut up for other craft projects.
Accessories that are available for sewing machines and are especially made for quilting.
Various webs or interfacings which can be ironed onto a fabric for easier applique or to support the fabric.
The process of assembling quilt blocks from pieces of fabric sewn along their edges to form a whole.

See Also: English Paper Piecing, Assembly Piecing, Machine Piecing, Chain Piecing, Paper Piecing, Hand Piecing
Quilt Top
The top layer of a quilt Sandwich.
Traditional description of a quilt: a sandwich consisting of a Quilt Top, Batting (filling), and a Backing.
Seam Allowance
The width of fabric left to the right of a sewn seam. In quilting this is traditionally 1/4 inch. For sewing garments it is usually 5/8 inch.
A construction technique in which long, narrow pieces of cloth are joined lengthwise, sometimes with long rows of quilt blocks, to form a quilt top. The term "strip" can be used to describe the long pieces of fabric between blocks (see Sashing) or to describe the small, narrow remnants used in string patchwork.

See Also: Sashing
Pattern pieces made out of paper, cardboard, plastic or metal, giving you something to draw around so that you can accurately replicate any shape.
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Quilting Contessa is a collection of various authors around the world that have submitted articles for the QuiltingHub 'How To' quilt wiki.  These are authors that do not write enough to have their own authorship, yet provide valuable content for the site.  If you wish to submit an article, contact us on QuiltingHub.

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