What is a Quilter's Stash?


Have you heard about quilters who have a stash? Ever wondered what a "stash" is and why you might want one?

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What is a Quilter's Stash?

Have you heard about quilters who have a stash? Ever wondered what a "stash" is and why you might want one?

What is a Quilter's Stash?


First – What is a Stash?

A quilter's stash is usually comprised of fabrics and embellishments that have not been purchased for a specific project. These might be just fabrics that you fall in love with in the store and know you will use at a later date for some project (it's just to be determined what the project will be). Or, your stash may be the result of leftovers from projects you or a friend have completed.


Well What Good is a Stash?

A stash can be very helpful if you decide to start a new project at a time when your local quilt shop is not open, or you don't want to wait for the mail to come to bring you that wonderful color of fabric you desire, or the right "bling" to dress up your quilt. A stash can also be inspirational when choosing colors for a large project. It is easier to play with small bits of different color fabrics at home to choose what you want to purchase than it may be to go to the store with small children in tow that may not have the patience for you to start envisioning your next project in the store. A stash is also very helpful when you need to make a quick gift and you can go in your closet and pull out a beautiful piece of fabric to get started. If you enjoy applique, a stash is great to give you a variety of fabrics to choose from to make your quilts, as generally speaking, appliques require very small amounts of each fabric.


Is a Stash Right for Everyone?

Well no, not everyone enjoys a stash. If you are someone who frequently gets tired of colors or styles and only wants the latest items from the quilt shop, a stash is probably not right for you. Similarly, if you live in a very small home, you might want to allocate your space to quilting tools rather than fabrics that you aren't sure when you will be using. Another instance where a stash might not be a good idea is if you move frequently and your home decorating colors change often as well as your friends. In this case you might find it better to work with local quilt shops to get what is best suited to your current location. Also important is whether you desire help in color coordination. For some people this is where they feel least sure of how to proceed and that trip to the quilt shop for each project is what they desire.

If you have decided that a stash is right for you, please watch for a future article on suggestions for how to build your stash.


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Attaching individual pieces of fabric to a background to form a design.

Same As: Appliqué

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Machine Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique
A quilter's personal collection of fabrics. Buying more fabric is adding to your stash.
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