How to Organize Your Thread And Save Time


Thread is everywhere, I can't find anything, and I buy duplicates by mistake! Fret no more, read these great tips to organizing your sewing thread.

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How to Organize Your Thread And Save Time

As we quilt we all need to purchase threads that go with our projects. Who among us has not purchased the same thread multiple times just because we didn’t know whether we had the right color at home? Have you ever purchased some thread because it is more cost effective to buy the thread than to drive home to look, or not have the correct thing when you get home?

How to Organize Your Thread And Save Time


Well, there is an easy way to keep track of your threads that will only take a little time to set up and then only a second to update as you purchase new threads. Now doesn’t that sound interesting?


Use Your Smart Phone

Look no further than your smart phone for the answer to your thread inventory. Using the “notes” app that is included on your smart phone you can keep a list of the threads you have. If you group them by color it will make your life even simpler.

I like to keep a list for each type of thread that I use, so I have one for quilting thread (as shown) and one for my favorite (Valdani Perle Cotton size 12). My quilting thread list looks like this but the Valdani is much longer. As you can see, I didn’t start my list soon enough!

Thread Organizing Tool


Quilting Thread



Lavender - 4434

light green - 7918
Bright green - 8244 - have 2
Dark green - 8113

Hot pink - King Tut 946
Medium Pink - 2955

Light blue - King Tut 928
Lt. blue variegated - King Tut 904
Medium blue - 5133
Marine Blue - 5534
Navy blue - 4932 - have 3

Yellow - 349 - have 3

White - 5709
Black - 6210
Dark brown - 1712
Khaki - 1225
Tan light - 927

Dark Red - 2453
Red - 2074
Coral - 1974

Light grey - missing number
Medium Grey - 6505
Dark grey - missing number

Turquoise - YLI Seamist 18V
Turquoise - 6934


Home Thread Organization

Now that you have organized your threads on your phone, it is time to get them organized in your home!

When it comes to organizing spools of thread, there are many ways to store them. I like to use those helpful plastic drawers that you can purchase at an office supply store and place them underneath the foldout portion of my antique sewing cabinet. That way I can keep the threads that I use on my machine close at hand and ready to stitch. By placing them on their sides, you can immediately see what color you need and then match the bobbin from the plastic boxes that I store right behind them.

Thread Storage Option 1 Cabinet Thread Storage View 2


Small Thread Storage Options

If you don’t have space for a cabinet like this, you may choose to use a different type thin plastic box for your spools of thread and then a bobbin doughnut to store the coordinating bobbins. Another option is to couple your threads and bobbins together by stacking the bobbin on the spool of thread and then placing an inexpensive golf tee through the top. /p>

Thread Doughtnut and Golf Tee


Thread Storage Considerations

There is no right or wrong way to organize your thread collection, only different methods. Just keep in mind that you want to protect your thread from dust, excessive temperature changes, and light as much as possible to enable it to last for many projects to come. Remember the quilt police have all been fired – you are in charge of your happy place for stitching so organize it to best meet your needs!


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A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.
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