Mini-Retreats – A Way to Finish UFO Quilting Projects


Need to finish several unfinished quilting projects but you need company to be inspired? Read how to set up your own mini-retreat with you and your friends.

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Mini-Retreats – A Way to Finish UFO Quilting Projects

Need to stitch with friends to get inspired to finish that UnFinishedObject or 12? Plan a quilting mini-retreat. It's fun, affordable, and best of all you get to sleep in your own bed!

Mini-Retreats – A Way to Finish UFO Quilting Projects


Think about the friends you would like to have stitch with you – are you happy with a small group of 4-5? Maybe you can schedule a day or two where you can all get together at someone’s home, or a library meeting room, and stitch and inspire one another to finish one of those projects that has been languishing on the shelf because you just haven’t had the motivation to finish it. Or, maybe it’s that final step that is not your favorite like binding that can be so much more fun when you are talking with your friends and enjoying some fellowship that makes the job go faster.



If you prefer to get a larger group together, you might want to consider looking for a room you may use at a church or your neighborhood recreation center. Lots of times you can use one of these spaces for a very low fee (or free) and get a larger group together for a Friday and Saturday mini-retreat. You may even be able to convince your local quilt shop to host the retreat in their classroom for a small fee and be able to work there from opening to closing for a day or two. You would be surprised how reasonable the cost can be for an activity like this especially if your group is flexible on dates.



What to Do at Your Mini-Quilting Retreat


You can each bring a dish to share for lunch or order out and enjoy sharing something special. You may also want to plan a game or activity to share with your friends – it doesn’t need to be elaborate, maybe you can each contribute a few dollars ahead of time and purchase a new quilting goodie and the quilter who finishes the most projects will win the prize.

Mini-Retreat Food


Not in to games but like to try new things - you could also consider having your friends bring their favorite quilting tool and demonstrate how to use it. This can be a great way for you to see if that gadget you have been seeing advertised is right for you.

Quilting Gadget


If money, time, and hours are at a premium for you (like they are for young mothers or someone taking care of a loved one who can only get a sitter for a short time) try to schedule a Finish-it-Friday once a month so you can look forward to having that little time out once a month that is a scheduled stitching retreat. Whether you choose to use someone’s home, ask your local quilt shop, church, library, or community center to use their space make a plan and put it on your calendar in ink. Making time for fun and finishing those projects will keep your quilting mojo going strong and add a bit of beauty to the world at the same time.



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Binding is used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun it is the fabric that's used to cover the raw edges of the quilt sandwich after it's quilted. This edging fabric is referred to as the Binding (noun). As a verb it is the process of putting on this fabric, and it referred to as Binding a Quilt.
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