What will you do at meetings?
This may be one of your most important questions. I've talked to some who don't do much at their meetings, mostly just visit. Visiting is nice, but you started a guild for a purpose. We try to have a lesson at every meeting. We take turns giving the lesson. Don't pressure anyone, as not everyone feels comfortable teaching. Sometimes most of the members pick up on a topic and they all make the item shown, at least in small scale. Sometimes no one does that. It's important not to pressure people to make certain things. It is everyone's choice.
Our president names a particular activity that is a goal for the year. These have varied a lot over the years. Sometimes it is a block exchange. One person brings a block pattern and everyone makes one of those. At the next meeting, a name is drawn from those participating, and that person gets all the blocks. Then a new pattern goes out, and this continues until everyone has a set of blocks, then each person makes a quilt from their blocks.
Another frequent goal is a community service. Sometimes these have involved making quilts for a particular need, sometimes we raffle a quilt and donate the money for a local program. Last year our animal themed quilts earned over $500 for the local animal shelter. This year we are making quilts for rescued victims of human trafficking, and for children going into foster care.
Some in our group enjoy travel and they have taken bus trips to various quilt shops, or gone on shop hop ventures. Maybe one of the most important things we do at meetings is Show and Tell. At every meeting, each person is encouraged to bring something they have been working on. We admire each other's work and ideas, and sometimes answer questions. Skill level, years of experience, quality of materials – none of that matters. Applause and praise is abundant. It is important that everyone feels accepted and admired just as they are. Sometimes we have our meeting in the morning and that is it for the day. Other times we bring our supplies and sew all afternoon, usually on our own projects.
So start your own guild. It's tons of fun and the friendships are wonderful.