Simple Marking Supplies You Can Use Now!


If traditional marking supplies from your local quilt shop like chalk pencils and markers are just not enough, here are a few new supplies to try.

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Simple Marking Supplies You Can Use Now!

Have you just started quilting and wonder what marking tools you should purchase that aren’t found in your local quilt shop? Quilting Contessa is here to help you track down some great supplies that will help you in your quest to be a quilt diva.

Simple Marking Supplies You Can Use Now!


Marking Supplies

If traditional marking supplies from your local quilt shop like chalk pencils and markers are just not enough, here are a few new supplies to try.


Blue Painters Tape

Some quilters like to use blue painters tape to mark straight lines for quilting. The tape can be found in different widths which can be used to "measure and mark" precise quilting lines. Once the quilter has stitched beside the taped line, they can remove the tape without leaving residue on their fabric and move the tape to the next space.

Painters Tape


White Tissue Paper

Quilters also like to use white tissue paper like you would find in the gift wrapping section of your local dollar store and trace their stitching lines onto the tissue paper. You would then place the tissue paper over the area to be stitched, and then just stitch right through the tissue paper and the fabric. After stitching is complete, they just gently tear away the tissue paper leaving no marks behind.

Tissue Paper


Freezer Paper

While few people seem to use freezer paper for its' intended purpose, quilters and crafters have found this to be a great tool. Quilters can cut shapes from freezer paper, press it onto their fabrics with a warm iron and stitch around the freezer paper shapes which can then be peeled off and reused multiple times on the same quilt. (This is also a great tool to use for applique templates.)

Freezer Paper



PressNSeal can be used much the same way as tissue paper, but instead of pinning or basting tissue paper in place and then stitching through it, PressNSeal sticks to your fabrics and helps to hold them in place. The down-side of this product is that it sticks beneath your stitches and is more difficult to remove without distorting your stitches.




PressNSeal can be used much the same way as tissue paper, but instead of pinning or basting tissue paper in place and then stitching through it, PressNSeal sticks to your fabrics and helps to hold them in place. The down-side of this product is that it sticks beneath your stitches and is more difficult to remove without distorting your stitches.



Short Applique Pins

Short applique pins can also be used for marking quilting or embroidery lines. While not their intended purpose, it works well when you don't have other options available.

Applique Pins


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Attaching individual pieces of fabric to a background to form a design.

Same As: Appliqué

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Machine Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique
A temporary method of holding the quilt Sandwich layers together while you finish assembling it. This can be conducted using Basting Sprays, pins, clips or temporary stitching called a Tacking Stitch or Basting Stitch.
Marking Tools
Any item that can be used to mark a quilt for quilting. May include pencils, markers, chalk or specialty products.
Method of using an iron to press seams and blocks. This means simply pressing downwards on the seam with the iron from above and not moving the iron back and forth which can distort the block or seam.
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