Simple Basting Supplies You Can Use Now!


While basting quilts together may be accomplished with needle and thread, a basting gun, or special safety pins, there are still other tools that will help you.

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Simple Basting Supplies You Can Use Now!

Have you just started quilting and wonder what basting tools you should purchase that aren’t found in your local quilt shop? Quilting Contessa is here to help you track down some great supplies that will help you in your quest to be a quilt diva.

Simple Basting Supplies You Can Use Now!


Basting Tools

While basting quilts together may be accomplished with needle and thread, a basting gun, or special safety pins, there are still other tools that will help you.


Grapefruit Spoon

Yes grapefruit spoons can be helpful when basting. In particular, they are used to help close safety pins while pin basting as they have ridges around the bowl of the spoon that help to lift the pin and make it easier to close.

Grapefruit Spoon



Staplers are used by some quilters in place of traditional basting stitches in cases where pins would get in the way, or where quick results are necessary. This technique is used quite frequently for small pieces in wool applique projects especially when travelling with a project by airplane.




Some quilters use special glues found in their local quilt shop while others use a small dot of Elmer's glue to (baste) their applique pieces in place.

READERS NOTE: Caution when Elmer's Glue is used with quilts. We’ve seen examples where Elmer's has been used and irreparable damage has been done to a quilt when trying to wash it out. Sometimes it happens right when a quilt has been completed, and sometimes many years later, after the Quilt is washed. Quilters spend too much time and energy on such a labor of love to risk this.

You might recall, we do sell special quilt basting glue, but I’m telling you so people don’t come back angrily to you saying that your company told them that it’s OK to use Elmer's. -- Tom Cunningham (Colonial Needle)



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Attaching individual pieces of fabric to a background to form a design.

Same As: Appliqué

See Also: Freezer Paper Applique, Needleturn Applique, Machine Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique
A temporary method of holding the quilt Sandwich layers together while you finish assembling it. This can be conducted using Basting Sprays, pins, clips or temporary stitching called a Tacking Stitch or Basting Stitch.
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