4 Key QuiltingHub Network Enhancements


The QuiltingHub Network continues to innovate and grow as the top resource to the entire quilting industry worldwide. We cover four of the key enhancements. You have to see this!

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4 Key QuiltingHub Network Enhancements

The QuiltingHub Network consists of QuiltingHub at the core where all listings are maintained and then shared across a wide network of quilting related websites, guilds, and shops. The concept is, “edit only once and appear everywhere,” which saves our advertisers time and gives our wide audience accurate information.

4 Key QuiltingHub Network Enhancements


Our growth and popularity with advertisers and quilters has meant we are continuously upgrading our service and the network.


Enhancement Summary:

  • Enhanced logos
  • Members added resource links to their websites
  • Maps enhanced
  • Marketing guidance and support offered


Enhanced Logos

Today, most organizations have logos. Events now default to your organization's logo. You can still upload a logo to your event. This makes everything look more professional with less effort for our listers.


Resources Links

With the extensive popularity of the QuiltingHub Network websites, more members have been adding links to their websites. Here is what they are adding:


Map Enhancements

The following QuiltingHub Network websites now use their own maps. They no longer jump to QuiltingHub to do mapping of resources and events. This self-containment is now easy and provides for an improved experience.


Remember the websites above continue to provide verified/published content only. Unpublished/unverified guilds, shops, and shows will never appear above. We corrected an issue where non-published and non-verified shops had been appearing on the maps. If your shop does not appear, you must upgrade/publish immediately. Contact us if you need help publishing your guild, brand, shop, service, or museum.


Note: If you have a quilting resources book or website and you wish to join the network so you do not have to maintain your shop, guild, and event information, reach out to us. We only have 75% of the search market and with your help we can get to 100% plus save you time, money, energy, and improve your website! Our goal is “edit once, appear everywhere.” Join our mission and be part of something huge!



Marketing Guidance and Support Offered

With your membership on QuiltingHub (free for guilds), you appear on the entire QuiltingHub Network of websites and get free marketing advice customized for your needs and knowledge level (including how to use Facebook). You will not find this superior level of service anywhere. You want to do and be your best, and this guidance is your key to success. Contact us to plug in to this powerful resource.


Check This Out!

Check out the most popular tool on QuiltingHub. Use the search 'Map Of Resources' or the 'Resources Trip Planner' to the right (or below).

Paul Johnson
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