New Brunswick Quilt Shop Directory - Verified!

quilt shops of new brunswick

This is the most trusted source for quilt shops in New Brunswick. No other New Brunswick quilt shop directory is verified continuously. Add yours today! Quilters verify most of the New Brunswick quilt shops, and we verify all the rest. The is why our New Brunswick Quilt Shop Directory is preferred by quilters over all the other sources.

Browse the New Brunswick quilt fabric store list below, use the map, or use the trip planner. Feel free to share the New Brunswick Quilt Store Directory with your friends using the sharing buttons. Add any missing shops using the green button.

List of Quilt Shops In New Brunswick


Fabricville - Moncton

0 Likes, 0 Followers, 0 Marks
100 Pleasant Street, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1A 2V1
(Tell them to add a phone number)

Port Elgin 

Spruce It Up Quilt Shop

0 Likes, 0 Followers, 0 Marks
2063 Upper Cape Rd (Rte 960), Port Elgin, New Brunswick, E4M 3Y9
(Tell them to add a phone number)