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Inset Seams - A Quilting Phobia

We all know someone who has a phobia about inset seams like the ones in Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses (above).
Good news! You don't have to fear inset seams anymore!
In fact, we predict you will love inset seams when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo and sew from crosshair to crosshair.
When you sew from crosshair to crosshair instead of edge to edge there are many advantages!
- You can sew exciting and unusual designs by machine.
- There is no need to press as you go.
- You can press the seams to the side to reduce bulk in the intersections.
This video includes my best tips for starting and stopping at the crosshairs.

Do you avoid beautiful designs like these just because they have inset seams?

Inklingo sets you free. Sew more exciting designs!

You can impress your friends when you sew insets by machine--at least until they find out about Inklingo too!

Machine piecers normally sew from edge to edge. For inset seams, we just sew from crosshair to crosshair--which is what hand piecers do all the time!

Machine piecers can learn from hand piecers because hand piecers prefer inset seams. As strange as that may seem, the angles create opportunities for "continuous stitching" --and that makes hand piecing even more relaxing and satisfying.

With traditional methods, the challenge has been to know exactly where to start and stop. See the crosshairs? They make it easy.

Manually marking dots or lines at the beginning and the end of every seam is tedious and not accurate enough especially when it is so easy to print the shapes with an ordinary Inkjet printer.
The accurate crosshairs and matching marks printed with Inklingo guarantee precision. If you have been disappointed with marking dots to mark the seam endings, we think you will be amazed by the difference!

When you don`t sew edge to edge, there is no need to press as you go.
When you don`t sew edge to edge, you can press the seam allowances to the side clockwise/counterclockwise so there is no bulk in the intersections.
Little things make a big difference.
The video will help you when you are stitching insets--or any time you want to machine stitch from crosshair to crosshair instead of edge to edge.
Hexagons are a good example.
There are also illustrations in The Inklingo Handbook on page 54.

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes.
Quick Start (Always FREE.)
There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free shape collection—and it includes everything
you need to sew inset seams by machine or by hand.

We also shared a one-page guide on the All About Inklingo blog to keep beside the sewing machine.
We are lucky to be quilters in the twenty-first century, aren’t we?
We have the best, most ingenious tools and the best selection of fabric in the whole history of the world!

Will you conquer your phobia and create a masterpiece like Carol's?
If you follow the tips in the video, you don't have to sew by hand to love inset seams. Sew by machine or by hand or a little of both in an Inklingo hybrid.
- See more of Carol's POTC blocks on the Postcards from Panama blog.
- See more of Kathy's LeMoyne Stars and Castle Wall blocks on Flickr.
- See more about Cathy Witt's Castle Wall blocks on the Main Castle Wall Page.

- See one or two photos on the Inklingo Facebook page every day.

You can search for Franz or Inklingo to find more articles on QuiltingHub.
This one explains how to print on fabric--jam free. /Articles/ArticleID/178 and there are more to come.

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