Fabric Power


One of the many things I love about Inklingo is that it uses fabric efficiently and avoids waste. Two features allow me to see at a glance whether I have enough fabric and how much I need to buy. This is a big advantage for me as a quilter and as a designer.  "Combo Layouts" and "Custom Page Sizes" are the secret to success.

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Fabric Power

One of the many things I love about Inklingo is that it uses fabric efficiently and avoids waste. 

Two features allow me to see at a glance whether I have enough fabric and how much I need to buy. That is a big advantage for me as a quilter and as a designer.

This article shows how Inklingo "Combo Layouts" and "Custom Page Sizes" give you Fabric Power too.

1. Combo Layouts

Combo layouts are provided in Inklingo shape collections to save fabric and save time.

For example, if you are making this star with the FREE Diamond Triangle Square shape collection, the squares and triangles are both the same fabric. 

With Inklingo, you can print a sheet of squares and a sheet of triangles . . . OR . . .

. . .  you can print them all at the same time with the combo layout. 

Cool, eh?

Monkey and I love combo layouts. I still get a little thrill of satisfaction when I remember the AHA moment and the first combo layouts were born. It was a summer evening in 2008 and the doors and windows were open. I was printing to make a few Le Moyne Star blocks to photograph for the free Inklingo Shape Collection. It is still clear in my mind. I started to laugh when I saw the possibilities.

Here are a few more examples.

Sunflower Combo 2 of 6

Print one sheet instead of two.

Print the diamonds and the background pieces with the combo on the orange fabric and cut with scissors or a rotary cutter. Perfect shapes. No waste!

Castle Wall Combo 1 of 7

Each Castle Wall shape collection includes seven different combos because of the fabulous possibilities with this design.

Double Wedding Ring Combo

Often the melon shapes and the center shapes of Double Wedding Ring are the same fabric, like this example. Print them both at the same time with a combo!

Drunkard's Path Combo

This is another great example. An Inklingo combo layout can save a lot of fabric compared to using acrylic templates, plus there are perfect cutting lines and stitching lines printed on every shape. 

You can try it now with the Free Diamond Triangle Square shape collection!

Order and download now from the Main Beginner's Page on the Inklingo website.

Print two sheets of contrasting fabrics with Combo 2. It includes 8 diamonds, 4 triangles, and 4 squares, so you have enough for 2 mirror image stars like the green and white ones---and you can make Tilde`s Tiny Tote (free pattern).

2. Custom Page Sizes

Any ordinary Inkjet printer allows you to set your own page sizes. It doesn't have to be 8.5 x 11.  That means you can print exactly what we need without wasting fabric.

For example, if I just need 8 diamonds from a particular fabric for a star (free shape collection), I don't want to print a whole 8.5 x 11 sheet of fabric.  I can cut the FP and fabric 3.5 x 9.75 and get exactly what I need. I just type 3.5 and 9.75 in the Print Dialog Box!

The feature to print Custom Page Sizes has always been there. Before Inklingo, I did not have any reason to print anything except letter-size pages. With Inklingo, I print Custom Page Sizes all the time!

 The "Catalogue of Shapes" in each Inklingo shape collection has a pair of pages like this for every layout to give you Fabric Power too!

The suggested Custom Page Sizes show how many shapes can be printed on a scrap or a charm. The other illustrations show how many shapes can be printed on a yard of fabric.

That's it! Combo Layouts and Custom Page Sizes make it easy. With Inklingo, you have Fabric Power too.

I share one or two images like these on Facebook every day, so please Like Inklingo on Facebook and choose Get Notifications.

(There is one combo layout in the new 
Colonial Garden shape collection.)


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Double Wedding Ring
Arced pieces of squares sewn together to form interlocking rings or circles.
Rotary Cutter
A very sharp tool that looks like a pizza wheel which is capable of cutting through multiple layers of fabric.
A large central star, made up of diamond shaped fabric or a square with right triangles, to form the star points from the center out.
Linda Franz

Linda Franz is the inventor of the amazing brand of Inklingo. It has revolutionized piecing and accuracy for the entire industry. Check out her brand page by clicking Inklingo

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