Best Floor Plan Tips For Quilt Shops


Social distancing is making quilt shops think about their floor plan.  What retail principles can help make a successful change?

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Best Floor Plan Tips For Quilt Shops

There are some principles of retail design that can help quilt shops redesign their space for maximum results. If you are reading this, you may have already decided to freshen up your space, so why not make this a time to make some bigger changes?

Best Floor Plan Tips For Quilt Shops


If your space is too divided, it will overwhelm the shopper. A relaxing pathway through your space will result in more relaxed shoppers, who may purchase more. If you use displays, don't make them too cluttered with many items. Stick to a theme – one quilt, one pattern, one fabric, one ruler. The eye simply can't handle more and won't bother to look.

floor plan


What greets your visitors at the door? Small shops don't have grocery style shopping carts, but do you provide a basket for those needing multiple small items? Do you provide an area where a shopper can easily lay out bolts to see what they really want? If they must resort to using the floor to see what fabric goes with what fabric, your shop is probably too crowded.


Where do you lead shoppers when they enter your store? Does the path from the front door lead to your latest and greatest? Or does it lead to fabrics that are staples in the store such as blenders and backings? Do you know what you sell most in your shop?


Do your shoppers know where your bargain corner is? Locating it at the back of the shop leads shoppers past other displays. Also, do you sell scrap bags? Locating them near the bargains may result in sales of both. Make sure to label all boxes and storage bins. Personally, I don't like having to ask for the bargain areas, but I am mostly an art quilter and want those small pieces. However, I am likely to purchase a backing for the planned art quilt. If something on the bargain rack catches my eye and goes with my chosen scraps, I will buy it.


Think about your layout for impulse sales. Don't waste strategic wall space on rulers. They simply are not an impulse buy. Quilters will ask for the rulers or notions they need. Utilize vertical space. Rulers and patterns can be displayed on racks that are tall and turn easily.



"Cross-marketing" is putting together things that might work together - such as a pattern near your fabrics for tote bags. If you sell specialty handles for purses and totes, you might display a few there also. Add some clasps for closures and you have additional sales. Quilters will ask if they see something they like and want more.


Highlight classes as much as possible even if you post in multiple places in your shop. Don't let me miss what you are teaching! I will certainly buy something for the class or something else that has caught my eye during the class. One sign on one bulletin board isn't enough. Visitors to your area may not know that you post only on that one bulletin board. The Facebook group RV Quilters has over 30,000 members. How many of them might be staying in your area?


The location of the cutting table is huge. Most people think about the service aspect of the cutting table, but do you think of it as a gathering place? Look in your mind's eye. When have you never seen quilters gathered around the table on a busy day? Listen to their conversations and see if there is a suggestion for your shop.

cutting table


The check-out area should be easy to see and NOT crowded. Although this is a tough place for social distancing, it is important to have breathing space here. Some shoppers would prefer not to have everyone in line know how much they spent. I know this is a great spot for impulse purchases, but it is frustrating to not have enough space to even open your purse. Because you want to keep your line moving, limit the impulse items, don't post announcements that must be read quickly here, and don't forget to mention what beautiful items are being purchased!


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The fabric on the back of a Quilt Sandwich (Top, Batting and Backing).

Same As: Lining
Information some people attach to a quilt that may contain the your name, name of the quilt, town, year and pattern used.
Small sewing supplies such as pins, scissors, rulers, seam ripper, and so on.
A heavy plastic measuring guide that can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Debi Warner
Author and humorist, Debi Warner, retired after many years as a clinical librarian and information specialist. She has her Master’s in Library and Information Science and achieved a Distinguished level in the Medical Library Association’s Association of Health Information Professionals. She has worked on teaching physicians to use computers and electronic resources. She also worked on several grants teaching the public how to use the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus public database and is co-author of several articles on health literacy. She took up quilting after retirement in 2012 and chaired the Rio Grande Valley Quilt Show in 2019. She currently teaches several quilting classes over Zoom and writes for QuiltingHub.
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