New Mexico is best known for it’s adobe style architecture, but there is plenty more to enjoy. Here you will find vast deserts, as well as mountains and caverns, and a lot of history about Native Americans and Hispanic culture. There’s a lot to explore, like ghost towns, cliff dwellings, turquoise, and absolutely beautiful sunsets. If museums are your thing, you will find the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, the International UFO Museum, and the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.
But let’s talk about quilting! Be ready for something special when you visit a quilt shop in New Mexico. Southwest prints and colors are aplenty, and you’ll find beautiful fabrics for your next quilt. Shop New Mexico quilt shops for inspiration, encouragement and advice if you need it. We think a great day would include sightseeing, a trip to buy new fabrics, then watching a sunset over the New Mexico desert. Perfect!
Use our most trusted directory when looking for quilt shops in New Mexico, and share with friends who might enjoy the quilt shops New Mexico has to offer.
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