Virtual Quilt Shows And Virtual Trunk Shows


Virtual quilt shows may grow into popularity very soon.  Quilting Contessa explores what a virtual quilt show is and how they may look in the future.

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Virtual Quilt Shows And Virtual Trunk Shows

The year is 2015. The place is the Internet. Bloggers are doing "virtual trunk shows" by posting photos of their quilts in one blog. Virtual trunk shows appear on YouTube. The medium is perfect for owners of Web-based virtual quilt stores.

Virtual Quilt Shows And Virtual Trunk Shows


2018. Houston Quilt Show. A brick and mortar quilt shop owner arranges for 3 virtual trunk shows for her shop. The designer will send samples of her quilts along with the kits and/or patterns to display in the quilt shop for one month. The show may also include signed books. The shop owner can return any unsold kits/patterns.

 Houston Quilt Show


2019. A quilt guild in Texas. A nationally known teacher does a virtual trunk show over the Internet. The guild has set up a computer, a projector, and a large screen. But the teacher/designer is at home in her studio. As in a traditional trunk show, she shows her quilts, tells stories, and answers questions. The guild doesn’t have to pay the cost of shipping the quilts. The teacher doesn’t lose time in travel. Her teaching options expand, and she doesn’t fear for her quilts in shipping.



Museum curators, cruise directors, and quilt retreat planners and may also take advantage of a virtual quilt show to add variety to their offerings.

quilt museum and cruise ship


Reminiscent of the origins of trunk shows as an industrial marketing tool, the designer may be either present or absent depending on the size and purpose of the show. The original trunk shows took place in stores where manufacturers displayed their latest products to the public. Sometimes the company sales rep was present and sometimes, not.


A word to quilt shop owners: virtual trunk shows do involve contracts. Terms and conditions for a virtual quilt show vary greatly. Costs of shipping and insurance may or may not be provided. Some offer free returns on all unused product, some at 50% of the cost originally paid. Some contracts require a minimum number of kits/patterns be purchased but offer free shipping. The quilt shop owner must make sure that the theme, number, and size of the quilts offered balance well with the cost of the show.


Virtual trunk shows can be an avenue for new designers and creators to show their wares. Using the mapping feature of QuiltingHub, the designer can choose shops and shows in an area where she wishes to market. Because QuiltingHub, maps and gives information about those locations, she can target her marketing to areas that might promise more success. For example, a designer with tropical themes might want to focus on an area in Florida or Texas; a lover of Snowy Owls might choose Alaska or Canada. Because QuiltingHub is international, focus areas open quickly.


I have yet to meet a quilter who doesn’t like "show and tell". Imagine a virtual quilt show that allows show and tell to expand around the globe. Yippee!


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