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QuiltingHub Demographics
Paid members' pages on QuiltingHub have a very low monthly investment for a high rate of return. Guild pages are free. We pool the member fees to get you better advertising results than you can get on your own for the same money. This makes it very easy to get your boss to approve the monthly membership fees. Quite frankly, no one offers more reach to quilters for less. When you know that, the QuiltingHub investment is a no brainer.
Some savvy QuiltingHub investors want to know the demographics of our users. Over 1 million page views a month. Over 800,000 users use the QuiltingHub Network sites, and over 74,000 of them have liked us on Facebook. (Trivia:How many Facebook fans does the next closest competitor have? See the bottom of the page for the answer). Here is the demographics of our user base (taken from our Facebook Page):
Since 2010, Paul Johnson (the founder of QuiltingHub), has been preaching about the issue that as existing quilters are getting older, we are not reaching out to the younger generations in their medium. This graph above quells any arguments to the fact that younger quilters exist. Let's look at what this tells us:
- Only 24% of the quilters are over 55
- 76% are under 55
- Those under 55 use computers and smart phones
- Those under 40 will not see you unless you have a website, Facebook Page, and exist in listing websites like QuiltingHub
- About 40% of quilters are under 40
- This younger market is growing every day
- It is critical that your organization has a strong web presence
Almost 80% of all brands, shops, guilds, museums, and service professionals do not exist on (all three) the web, Facebook, and lists like QuiltingHub. The market is changing and we, the industry, have fallen behind in embracing it. Do all three of these now. Have all your favorite shops, brands, guilds, museums, and service professionals begin to embrace this now.
The younger generations do not use phone books or paper. Their word of mouth is the word of electronic sharing (like Facebook and QuiltingHub).
Trivia Question Answer: Next Largest Facebook Fans?
Above, we asked a trivia question. What is the next highest number of Facebook fans for any Quilting Resource information site? Answer: 3,100 (as of March 2017).
QuiltingHub is the most trusted site on the web. More quilters use the site than any other resources site. More Facebook fans than anyone else. More users than all the quilt shop search books sold in a two year period from all the publishers combined. When you want to align with a leader, get a great ROI (Return On Investment), and look good to your employer, QuiltingHub is the hands down and trusted winner!Maximize your investment in your organization today.
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Check out the most popular tool on QuiltingHub. Use the search 'Map Of Resources' or the 'Resources Trip Planner' to the right (or below).