QuiltingHub Membership Skyrockets


Read why and how QuiltingHub traffic and membership is soaring. If you have or visit a quilt shop or service provider, read the amazing scoop!

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QuiltingHub Membership Skyrockets

Our traffics is up 30% for the second month in a row. We knew we had captured the market and now those quilters are using us even more heavily to find quilting resources and events.  Traffic was 1.2 million page views last month. Wow!

If your listing is not a member, or you are not a sponsor; look into adding QuiltingHub to your successful portfolio.

QuiltingHub Membership Skyrockets


Quilt shops, service providers, and online shops have been upgrading their listings to premium memberships and adding their events and photos at a staggering rate. We maintain top placements in most search engines in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

We have also made the system easier to use!

QuiltingHub Growth


Overnight Success?

No. We started in 2010. It is the culmination of being devoted to helping the quilting industry grow through persistence. It took time for the industry to realize we are committed to helping and we are here to stay. We provide unparalleled premium memberships for our listings of quilt shops, online shops, museums, guilds, services, and brands with unlimited events at the lowest membership fees in the industry -- and the largest reach.

Believe me; in the early days, we used to call quilt shops and they did not see the value. They do now! Now they want to join, contact us for advice, and read our marketing articles.




Accuracy is a key. Other quilting resources' websites have come and gone over the years because they are centrally updated through one person. QuiltingHub had over 43,000 updates to our listings by their owners in 2016. I want you to imagine one person receiving 43,000 updates and handling them. This is why we are the Most Trusted Source.

thumbs up


What The Recent Members Say

While assisting our new members this month to best market their quilt shops, online shops, and services, I asked them why did they join now?

One owner told me,

I was waiting to make sure I was going to invest in something that works. [Others] told me it worked for them, and I did not want to miss out [on those customers]."


When asked what features she wanted to use the most, she said

photos, events, and ratings [to look good, and bring in the most customers.]


What People Say


Why Premium Membership?

First, if you are a guild, it is free. If you are a service or a museum, it is only 10 cents a day ($3/mo). For online shops, quilt shops, or brands, it is only 27 cents a day ($8/mo) to enjoy the benefits of having your listing be in the best visible light of over 400,000 quilters viewing the site at over 1 million page views a month.

75,000 QuiltingHub Facebook page likes

Quilt shops have a free version of the listing (which must be claimed by you to remain visible), but quilters mostly ignore those listings and go to the member listings. To understand reasons, read Completed Pages Get More Visibility.

For more information about the benefits of membership, or get started:

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