We Need Your Help Designing Online Event Advertising


We need your help. QuiltingHub is working with QT Fabrics to begin advertising online events to help quilt shops, guilds, and others publicize their events. How will you use it?

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We Need Your Help Designing Online Event Advertising

We need your help. QuiltingHub is working with QT Fabrics to begin advertising online events to help quilt shops, guilds, and others publicize their events.

QuiltingHub Needs Your Help Designing Online Event Advertising


We realize it may be a while before normal classes and meetings can be held again. We know many of you have or will start online classes or meetings. It is likley these online events will continue after distancing fades. Either way, we recognize your need to advertise these events on QuiltingHub. It will involve design changes.

We need to study how you will use these events and how you will conduct your events to design our new advertising to fit your needs. You may call us or answer some questions by email.


Our Core Questions:

  1. Will you offer to students in classroom, classroom and online, or online only?
  2. Will these be live events or pre-recorded?
  3. What tool will you use to conduct it? (for example zoom)
  4. Will you have a limit on the number of students?
  5. Will you have a limit on where in the world the students can attend from?
  6. Will you have any special advertising needs that QuiltingHub should display on the event?
  7. Anything else you want to share with us?


Copy the questions above, then click contact-us, paste them, and give us your answers. Please incldue your contact info in case we want to follow up.


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