Quilting and Sewing Articles

Search Quilting Articles This searchable summary of all the quilting and QuiltingHub site articles. The quilting articles are written are 'how to' articles from the beginner to intermediate levels.

2025 Road To California Top 6 Award Winners
 2/4/2025 11:50:19 AM
 Mark Bach
 The Road to California Quilters Conference and Showcase concluded another successful event in Ontario, California. It was held from January 22 to 25, 2025, with some classes starting even earlier. Here are the top six award winners.
Quilt Con Phoenix 2025
 2/4/2025 10:49:08 AM
 Mark Bach
 QuiltCon will be held in downtown Phoenix, AZ, from February 20-23, 2025. Here is your chance to attend a class, listen to world-famous lecturers, buy some fabrics, and see jaw-dropping quilts.
Helping QuiltingHub Cats
 12/26/2024 11:30:00 AM
 Paul Johnson
 I heard a meow outside my door one day while working on QuiltingHub. I opened the door to find a beautiful Dilute Tortishell cat asking me for food. Read this article to learn more.
2024 Houston Quilt Show - My Personal Favorites
 12/23/2024 12:04:24 PM
 Mark Bach
 The International Quilt Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary this year in Houston, Texas, showcasing hundreds of quilts in numerous categories. Here are seven of my personal favorites from the show.
2024 Houston Quilt Show Award Winners
 12/21/2024 10:25:17 AM
 Mark Bach
 More than 1,200 quilts were on display within 29 exhibits/categories. This marked the 50th anniversary of the show, and over 40,000 attendees were expected. It is not too early to make plans to attend the show and see these quilts in person in 2025.
Managing Brands On The QuiltingHub Network
 11/22/2024 9:49:24 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub quilting brand listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
Managing Guilds/Groups On The QuiltingHub Network
 11/22/2024 9:46:19 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub Guilds/Group listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
Managing Museums On The QuiltingHub Network
 11/22/2024 9:41:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub Museum listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
Managing Service Providers On The QuiltingHub Network
 11/21/2024 1:32:24 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub Service Provider listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
Managing Quilt Shops On The QuiltingHub Network
 11/21/2024 12:22:54 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub Quilt Shop listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
How QuiltingHub Is Accurate
 11/20/2024 10:51:26 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How are the QuiltingHub listings added and updated? The site is community maintained by YOU and not us. We explain the why and how to this.
Latest Exhibits at the Texas Quilt Museum 2024
 3/9/2024 1:25:35 PM
 Mark Bach
 The Texas Quilt Museum just announced three new quilt exhibits on display through April 27, 2024. Check out these limited-time offerings for inspiration and amazement.
Hen And Chicks Offers Advice To Shop Owners
 12/12/2023 10:40:27 AM
 Mark Bach
 Heidi Kaisand, owner of local quilt shop Hen and Chicks and publisher of Creative Retailer, offers some tips for local quilt shop owners. Learn about her shop and business practices.
Road To California Quilt Show
 11/27/2023 10:31:02 AM
 Mark Bach
 The Road To California Quilt Show is returning to Ontario, California in January 2024. This great show combines, classes, quilts and vendors for an awesome experience. Check out the top four reasons to attend the show.
Houston Quilts Other Judged Winners
 11/20/2023 12:39:24 PM
 Mark Bach
 The International Quilt Festival held its annual judged show last month in Houston, Texas. Winning quilts were chosen in seven specific categories. Over $50,000 in cash prizes were awarded to all the winners. We highlight the winner in each category.
How To Make An Embroidered Towel
 10/27/2023 12:54:09 PM
 Mark Bach
 Making an embroidered, customized towel is super easy and a great gift. There are plenty of embroidery patterns, both free and for a nominal fee, to choose from. So let's check out the steps to creating an embroidered towel.
Pillows Made Easy
 10/15/2023 3:19:01 PM
 Mark Bach
 Creating a custom embroidered pillow is a great way to personalize a pillow. Plus, any holiday or special moment allows you to incorporate embroidery onto a pillow. But making a pillow can be frustrating unless you use a pillow blank from OESD.
2023 International Quilt Festival Winning Quilts
 10/9/2023 1:38:23 PM
 Mark Bach
 Mark Bach discusses the winning quilts from The 2023 International Quilt Festival. Learn and see the quilts now.
2023 Arizona Quilter Guild Show Bursts with Color
 4/29/2023 1:29:59 PM
 Mark Bach
 Mark Bach discusses his favorite quilts from the Bursts with Color show by the Arizona Quilter Guild.
2022 Houston Quilt Show Winners
 2/21/2023 11:27:03 AM
 Mark Bach
 Mark Bach discusses the winner of the 2022 Houston Quilt Show
Shall I Keep My Scraps?
 2/1/2023 8:58:36 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever considered disposing of your quilting scraps but been unsure which ones to keep, which to use to make new quilts, and which ones to donate for charity projects?
Saved By Scraps
 2/1/2023 8:31:00 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever wondered why quilters save scraps?  Do you personally have boxes and bags filled with scraps that you are thinking of donating or throwing away?  Well hold on just a moment and consider the possibilities.
2023 Top Quilting Resources Awards
 1/28/2023 3:04:25 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 In 2023 Quilters can vote for their favorite quilt shops, online quilt shops, brands, service providers, and museums.  The huge bragging rights will grow each of these winners to the stars!
Road to California Rolls On
 1/26/2023 1:38:22 PM
 Mark Bach
 The Road to California Quilt Conference and Showcase was recently held in Ontario, California. Check out our top three reasons to attend this perennial show – Classes, Vendors, and Quilts.
4 Things from Houston’s Quilt Market
 12/22/2022 4:17:52 PM
 Mark Bach
 The International Quilt Market, held in Houston, Texas, is the largest trade show for the quilt industry, with hundreds of vendors from across the globe. Plenty of new products and materials are on display, and here are four of my favorite products and trends.
Are You An Average Quilter?
 12/5/2022 3:50:36 PM
 Mark Bach
 Do you ever wonder how some folks seem to crank out quilt after quilt seemingly effortlessly? Do you worry that your stash of fabric is growing faster than room allows? Compared to your other friendly quilters, do you question how you match up?
Houston Award Winning Quilt 2022
 11/29/2022 2:07:50 PM
 Mark Bach
 Angela Petrocelli’s quilt “Beyond Reason” won the Best of Show Award at the 2022 International Quilt Festival. The large quilt contains over 200,000 pieces of fabric.
How to Price An Embroidery Project
 10/25/2022 6:40:33 PM
 Mark Bach
 Determining fair and profitable pricing for a home-based embroidery business involves several critical considerations. Here are five factors to consider.
Embroidery Tips for Tiling Scenes
 10/19/2022 12:29:55 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 While many tiling projects can be year-round themes, like birds or landscapes, there is a large portion that is focused on the winter holidays. So now is the perfect time to start up a tiling scene project and here are our four top tips.
6 Reasons to Attend the International Quilt Festival
 9/29/2022 9:37:35 AM
 Mark Bach
 Mark Bach covers 6 top reasons for quilters to attend the fall International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas.
5 reasons Quilt Shop Owners Should Attend Quilt Market
 9/27/2022 8:47:04 AM
 Mark Bach
 Mark Bach covers 5 of the key reasons that quilt shop owners should attend international Quilt Market in Houston each year.
Elected Guild Membership Chair: What do I do now?
 8/30/2022 9:53:34 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You have been elected as the Membership Chairman for your quilt guild. So what do you do now? This article cover some of the key things to think about and do in your new position.
Keeping Your Notions At Hand
 8/26/2022 1:37:42 PM
 Debi Warner
 We quilters all want to have our notions at hand: scissors, seam ripper, tweezers, small ruler, etc. What are the options? We cover both purchased and homemade solutions.
Cork: An Amazing Fiber
 8/25/2022 12:24:01 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilts shops today carry cork in amazing colors. What is the story of cork and what do quilters do with it?
Stack-n-Slash Or Stack-n-Whack
 4/12/2022 11:16:25 AM
 Debi Warner
 Novices sometimes confuse Stack-n-Slash and Stack-n-Whack. They sound so similar.  This article helps you learn the difference.
History And Uses Of Glue For Quilters
 4/3/2022 7:07:54 AM
 Debi Warner
 For quilters, glue can mean the difference between an easily mended seam in a quilt, or a long labor of unsewing and re-stitching. We present the history and uses of glue.
Best Quilt Shop Advertising And You're Not Using It!
 3/29/2022 10:12:55 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 We discuss the most powerful quilt shop advertising available to quilt shops and why you are not using it to grow your business profits.
Best Quilt Show Publicity And You're Not Using It!
 3/29/2022 9:41:24 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 We discuss the most powerful quilt show advertising available to quilt guild publicists today and believe it or not, you are not using it yet.
What To Do With An Ugly Quilt
 3/28/2022 1:02:50 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Every wonder what to do with an ugly quilt to improve it? We cover 6 key ideas you can use to make an ugly quilt look and present better.
What Is New In Modern Quilting
 3/28/2022 12:37:01 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Modern Quilt Guild QuiltCon 2022 had some interesting styles, trends, and quilts on display. Let's explore some of the most amazing in this fun article.
Why Quilters Get Embroidery Machines
 3/28/2022 10:32:50 AM
 Debi Warner
 It's not unusual for quilters to have embroidery machines.  This article covers why you may or may not want one.
Squaring Your Blocks
 3/13/2022 10:34:39 AM
 Debi Warner
 Squaring your blocks is a must to make your quilt come out square as well. We discuss the two main methods and make a plea to quilt designers.
Quilt Show Block Party
 3/9/2022 7:05:31 AM
 Debi Warner
 We invited our vendors to participate in a "block party" at our Quilt Show this year.  If your Quilt Shop is a vendor at a quilt show, should you participate?
What Products To Sell At Your Guild Boutique
 3/8/2022 3:43:30 PM
 Debi Warner
 Your guild probably has a Boutique of items made by members for sale at your Quilt Show.  Here is a list of what sold for us this year and what didn't.
Quilt Blocks Of Europe
 3/8/2022 3:09:32 PM
 Debi Warner
 Touring Europe, a quilter can't help but notice the quilt blocks in buildings. Here are some that I have collected with suggestions on how they might be made.
Quilt Shops Support Donations
 3/8/2022 2:35:55 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilters are generous people and have supported many causes with their quilts through the ages. Here are a few ideas about how quilt shops can support that effort.
A Quilt Guild’s Guide To Publicity
 2/27/2022 6:59:26 PM
 Paul Johnson
 The purpose of most guilds is to expand the knowledge of quilting while helping certain charities.  They accomplish this with meetings, shows, and other events. We give you the key tips to successful publicity.
Guide To The Quilters’ Travel Companion Trip Planner
 2/27/2022 6:31:52 PM
 Paul Johnson
 Quilters’ Travel Companion has grown tremendously from the days of books to the new free mapping feature that works on all devices (including phones). The popularity has just skyrocketed. Here are some useful tips!
How To Get More Customers Into Your Quilt Store
 2/27/2022 5:48:34 PM
 Paul Johnson
 The competition for quilt shops has peaked. Without knowing how to navigate this, shops are struggling. We break down four key areas to help you succeed.
Best Floor Plan Tips For Quilt Shops
 2/19/2022 10:43:06 AM
 Debi Warner
 Social distancing is making quilt shops think about their floor plan.  What retail principles can help make a successful change?
Tips On Picking Colors For Your Quilts
 2/8/2022 11:27:03 AM
 Debi Warner
 Almost all quilters have struggled with color at one time or another. Is this blue too yellow? Is this red too orange? Here are some suggestions.
How To Prevent Common Quilting Injuries
 2/8/2022 10:59:33 AM
 Debi Warner
 Sharps are the cause of wounds in quilting, some minor, some serious.  Here we cover the types of wounds and their prevention.
Attic Window Quilts
 2/8/2022 10:19:41 AM
 Debi Warner
 An attic window quilt is one that lets you look either out a window or in a window and features a pleasing scene.  Why are they tricky?
I Love My Bathroom-Tile Block!
 1/22/2022 2:56:09 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Discusses some quilting key tips your need to know when working with the bathroom tile known as the rail fence.
One-Block Wonder: Hints And Techniques
 1/22/2022 2:06:00 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilts made with the one-block wonder technique make gorgeous quilts, but the makers tend to either love or hate the technique.
Quilters Need An Artist Statement
 12/12/2021 9:23:29 AM
 Debi Warner
 An artist statement answers the question, "What do I want to do with my art?"  This article examines why an artist statement would be helpful to quilters.
Shop Hop Gives Christmas Ornaments
 12/12/2021 8:59:36 AM
 Debi Warner
 With a $10 purchase in 2021, The Cruisin the Texas coast Shop Hop, each shop gave a Christmas ornament.  Here’s what I learned about making ornaments.
Printing On Fabric
 12/12/2021 8:34:12 AM
 Debi Warner
 Fabric that you can put into your printer is expensive, but is a do-it-yourself method any cheaper?
Making A Pattern Your Own
 11/26/2021 11:48:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you purchased a pattern and realized that it is not quite what you need? Here are a few suggestions to make the pattern fit your needs.
How To Sew No Mark Patches
 11/26/2021 11:00:20 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 The method described here adds any size corner patch, without marking, and without even having to precut your patch!
Lighting Your Quilting Space
 11/26/2021 10:18:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting spaces require a variety of lighting options to make them comfortable and convenient.  Do you have your space lit effectively, or is it time for an upgrade?
Why Use QuiltingHub For Marketing
 11/26/2021 9:01:41 AM
 Debi Warner
 QuiltingHub provides a huge amount of information for quilters, but it has the potential to provide so much more if we, as quilters, helped.
New Products From The Houston Quilt Festival
 11/9/2021 2:18:53 PM
 Debi Warner
 One of the most exciting parts of the Houston Quilt Festival is searching the aisles for new products and ideas.  Here are two of the ones I found most interesting in 2021.
A Guide To Quilting Math
 10/23/2021 8:32:21 AM
 Debi Warner
 Before you run and hide under the bed, here is an overview of math in quilting and some suggestions for how quilt shops can help.
Fidget Quilts
 10/21/2021 10:34:09 AM
 Debi Warner
 Planning is key to making a fidget quilt for patients with Alzheimer’s or dementia.  Debi Warner explains the disease to make an awesome fidget blanket.
Sunbonnet Sue Pattern Used in Fusible Grid Article
 10/16/2021 11:23:19 AM
 Debi Warner
 This is the description of the Sunbonnet Sue quilt used in the Using Fusible Grid article.
Stories Of Rotary Cutters
 9/29/2021 12:31:33 PM
 Debi Warner
 I bought the wrong blades for my small rotary cutter last week.  How did I not know that there were four sizes, not three?
Major Disruptor To Quilting Industry Advertising
 9/28/2021 3:56:22 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Read how the QuiltingHub Network is disrupting quilting advertising in a major way.
Confetti Quilting
 9/27/2021 4:12:59 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Here is a technique for adding texture in applique. Try fabric confetti!
Quilting UFOs - Roswell Advice
 9/27/2021 3:39:26 PM
 Debi Warner
 We all have UFOs and we all stress over them from time to time.  Here's some advice from the Roswell Incident (flying saucer) that might help you face down your UFOs.
Choosing An Iron
 9/11/2021 11:04:01 AM
 Debi Warner
 You can spend between $17.00 and upwards of $250 dollars on a steam iron.  Should you buy cheap and replace often? Or buy the best and vow to maintain it?
Cleaning Your Iron
 9/11/2021 10:37:20 AM
 Debi Warner
 One of the most asked questions in one of my FB quilting groups is how to clean goop or burn marks or plastic off an iron.  You won't believe the choices!
Brilliant Way To Grow Your Quilt Shop Business
 8/28/2021 11:57:43 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You want to be smart and grow your business. You want to spend the least amount of time and money. One brilliant way to do all this in one is to become an upgraded member of the QuiltingHub Network.
How To Get A Free Quilt Guild Webpage
 8/28/2021 11:47:27 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 One of the smartest ways to publicize your quilt guild and cut your website costs to zero is to use QuiltingHub.
History Of Fussy Cutting
 8/28/2021 9:17:28 AM
 Debi Warner
 We discuss the fascinating and fun history of fussy cutting.
3 Ways To Get More Texture In Quilting
 8/13/2021 2:46:25 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Using texture on texture can enhance your quilts.  We discuss 3 ways to get more texture in quilting.
Pins vs Clips: The Challenge
 8/13/2021 1:46:51 PM
 Debi Warner
 Ouch! Pinning can be a dangerous part of quilting. We explore the types and uses of pins and clips in this fun article.
How To Sew Casserole Carriers
 7/28/2021 8:15:50 AM
 Debi Warner
 Sooner or later you will be invited to a potluck and need a casserole carrier.  How hard can that be?
Why Is The Color Red So Important In Quilting
 7/28/2021 7:36:54 AM
 Debi Warner
 I've asked the question, "Why is the color red so important in quilting?" Here's what I learned.
How To Make a Keyboard Quilt Cover
 7/13/2021 4:16:06 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 A reversible keyboard cover is a quilty decor that protects your computer keyboard from dust and spills.   A great project for orphan blocks.
How To Do Thread Painting
 7/13/2021 3:48:33 PM
 Debi Warner
 Thread painting looks like a complicated skill to master.  As with all quilting skills, if you know the basics, it's not so scary!
Dyeing Fabrics With Fruits And Vegetables
 7/13/2021 3:27:04 PM
 Debi Warner
 Summer tempts us with the richness of colors from ripening fruits and vegetables.  Here’s an overview of how you can capture their colors by dyeing your fabrics.
Sewing With Rope
 6/29/2021 7:30:46 AM
 Debi Warner
 Rope is one of the oldest man-made tools.  Because rope is made from fiber, quilters are sewing useful items from rope.  Here are a few simple ideas to get you started.
To Sash or Not to Sash - That is the Question!
 6/16/2021 7:47:14 AM
 Debi Warner
 At times we have leftover blocks, or we inherit blocks without a plan.  As we look at the blocks, we wonder if we should sash them for a more pleasing look for the quilt.  Here are some guidelines.
3 Kinds Of Disappearing 4-Patch
 6/7/2021 9:21:04 AM
 Debi Warner
 Have you ever wondered how many different kinds of "disappearing" 4-patch exist? I think there are at least 6! Here are 3 to start you off!
Quilting Road Trip: Most Unusual Stores
 6/7/2021 8:43:32 AM
 Debi Warner
 Now is the time for quilters to plan a road trip.  Shops are opening again and the urge to get out of the house is strong.  Jump in the car and follow me!
Tales Of The Measuring Tape
 5/31/2021 1:50:19 PM
 Debi Warner
 Did you know that tape measures and measuring tapes are the same but different?  They have different histories and originally had different uses.
Guild Virtual Quilt Show Lost Money
 5/17/2021 9:22:42 AM
 Debi Warner
 Our Guild did not make a profit on our online quilt show, but our Board is incredibly pleased with the results.  Here's why.
Information About Digital Fabric Printing
 5/12/2021 10:08:33 AM
 Debi Warner
 Just like all other quilters, what I thought I knew about digitally printed fabric is that it would be more expensive.  But you need to hear "the rest of the story."
Teaching Sewing To An 8-Year Old Boy
 5/2/2021 6:03:57 PM
 Debi Warner
 Your friend’s 8 year old wants to sew more than anything.  What do you do?  You teach him, of course!   Our avocation needs all the young folks it can get!
Where Have All The New Fabrics Gone?
 4/4/2021 8:25:31 AM
 Debi Warner
 Your quilt shop owner may only receive 60-70% of the new fabric ordered.  Here’s why.
Quilters’ Travel Companion Enhanced
 3/29/2021 12:28:38 PM
 Paul Johnson
 Since 1987, Quilters’ Travel Companion has reigned as the king of quilting resources. These 4 new updates will knock your quilted socks off. Read & share now.
4 Key QuiltingHub Network Enhancements
 3/29/2021 12:28:30 PM
 Paul Johnson
 The QuiltingHub Network continues to innovate and grow as the top resource to the entire quilting industry worldwide. We cover four of the key enhancements. You have to see this!
Letter To Quilt Shop Owners From QuiltingHub
 3/29/2021 12:27:43 PM
 Paul Johnson
 Running a quilt shop is hard. We all wish we had more time and money. Here is a personal letter to you from Paul at QuiltingHub to help guide you on your journey.
Quilt Guilds Resource Website Leads Industry
 3/29/2021 12:23:04 PM
 Paul Johnson
 The Quilt Guilds website continues to innovate and grow as the top resource for quilt guilds worldwide. We cover some of the key updates.
My Facebook Page Has Limited Visibility
 2/27/2021 12:41:07 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Many of our members' Facebook pages have become invisible to quilters and searches. We discuss the issue and how to fix it.
My Address Is Missing From My Facebook Page
 2/27/2021 11:48:48 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 We noticed our members' Facebook pages have been losing their addresses making it hard for quilters to find them. We discuss the issue and how to fix it.
Knowing Your Quilting Community
 2/24/2021 9:29:57 PM
 Debi Warner
 For quilt shops, knowing your community pays off.
Growing Your Organization This Year
 1/30/2021 3:35:14 PM
 Paul Johnson
 Now, more than ever, it is critical that we get and follow the tips from the experts on how to grow your organization this year. We cover the top things you must do to increase your success.
I Love Batik!
 1/30/2021 10:59:12 AM
 Debi Warner
 Some quilters don't like batiks, many for the same reasons that I love them.  I've organized those reasons into three parts: color, texture, and themes.
Growing A Quilt Shop In 2021
 12/31/2020 1:18:02 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilt Shops have been creative about adapting to Covid.  Here are some of their ideas.
Importance Of A Webpage For Your Organization
 12/29/2020 12:34:48 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Running our quilt shops, brands, guilds, or services can be difficult. Just being profitable can be overwhelming. We cover some key tips to help you market yourself.
Clean Your Machine: A True Confession
 12/29/2020 10:28:49 AM
 Debi Warner
 When your feed dogs stop feeding, it might be time to clean your machine!
Overcoming Quilting Machine Fear
 12/27/2020 10:56:05 AM
 Debi Warner
 You just bought a quilting machine and you're scared to use it. Maybe these comments from my family of first-time users will help you with that fear.
Overview On Quilting Rulers
 11/27/2020 8:47:24 AM
 Debi Warner
 We love our quilting rulers for our projects, but they are not all the same.  Quilting Contessa dives into quilting rulers.
Top 4 Facebook Marking Tips
 11/26/2020 10:14:10 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 These are the top four tips every quilting organization must do to grow now. Clear and concise tips to implement and share with others.
Top 6 Facebook For Business Mistakes
 11/26/2020 9:50:33 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 We share with you the top 6 mistakes you make on your Facebook business pages that are costing you dearly. Please share with everyone.
Fun With Circles
 11/16/2020 10:08:04 AM
 Debi Warner
 Debi Warner shows you some fun ideas to design and make your quilts using circles. Enjoy and share with those you love!
Paint With Fabric
 11/16/2020 9:46:15 AM
 Debi Warner
 We explore quilts that look just like paintings.  Some of them are pieced, but many are done with different techniques of painting with fabric.
Hanger Safe: A Gift For All Time
 11/3/2020 9:35:32 AM
 Debi Warner
 Create a hanger safe (perhaps as a gift) to store your valuables. Quilting Contessa shares some wonderful project ideas. Share with your friends.
Cruisin The Texas Coast
 10/28/2020 2:52:28 PM
 Debi Warner
 Join us on a recent private quilt shop hop along the Texas coast near Corpus Christi. What shops did we visit and see! Share with lovers of Texas!
The Many Uses Of Reverse Applique
 10/11/2020 10:32:36 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Reverse applique gives a layered look to your project. We discuss the minimum of two layers of fabric and the techniques of reverse applique. Read and share!
Taming Your Scrap Pile Monster
 10/3/2020 7:58:36 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 In quilting and sewing we create a mountain of fabrics scraps, Quilting Contessa covers a fun tip to tame the scrap pile monster. Read and share.
Why The Quilting Industry Relies On Data To Grow
 9/27/2020 10:10:15 AM
 Paul Johnson
 Ever wonder how the quilting industry is affected by the information age and why some shops and brands grow better than others? It is data.
Can Scraps Make Blocks For A Memory Quilt?
 9/27/2020 9:09:22 AM
 Debi Warner
 We all look for uses for the scraps. Quilting Contessa covers a way to use those scraps to make memory quilts. Read, love, and share.
Where Did The Wearables Go?
 9/19/2020 12:15:37 PM
 Debi Warner
 If you don't wear that quilted garment to your Guild meeting anymore, you might want to rethink today's styles.
Dignity's Quilt
 9/19/2020 11:47:32 AM
 Debi Warner
 Dignity is 50 feet tall and gazes over the Missouri River from a rest area along I-90. She is made of stainless steel and was installed in 2016.
Testing Out Your Creative Side
 9/8/2020 10:59:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever wanted to try something new in your quilting but just did not know how to get started? Quilting Contessa helps you get started now.
Using Couching To Decorate Your Quilt
 9/8/2020 10:36:09 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa discusses how to use couching to decorate your quilt. It is a fun and rewarding way to decorate your quilts. Share with others.
How To Make A Zombie Table Runner For Halloween
 8/27/2020 12:17:19 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Here is a super quick and fun project for a Halloween jelly-roll table runner. Share it with all the quilters and guilds you love!
How To Do Quilted Lettering
 8/27/2020 11:53:58 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives a step by step guide on how to do quilted lettering. Use it and share it with your most loved quilters and guilds.
How To Read A Quilt Magazine
 8/27/2020 11:02:29 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa gives some tips she uses to get the most out of quilt magazines. Enjoy and share these tips with the quilter you love.
Steps To Moving Your Guild Online
 8/24/2020 1:34:10 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa covers the step by step methods that quilt guilds have have their meetings virtually using zoom. Follow this guide to get your guild going.
Cats In Quilt Shops
 8/10/2020 8:35:35 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa shares her love of cats by sharing stories of cats in quilt shops with us all to enjoy and share with everyone else.
Things You Might Not Know About Bobbins
 8/10/2020 8:12:48 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa researched bobbins and shared some interesting things you might not know about bobbins.
Modern Scrappy Quilts
 8/2/2020 11:50:28 AM
 Debi Warner
 Buying 45 fat quarters in a set just doesn't seem reasonable. How will you ever use them up? I found a pack at a surplus store, and just couldn't resist.
Gloves For Quilting
 8/2/2020 11:24:09 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa discusses some of the history and uses of work gloves for quilting. Read, enjoy, and share.
Quilt Shows At State Fairs
 7/27/2020 10:26:34 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa has had the privilege of seeing the wonderful quilt exhibits and attending some of the trunk shows and classes.  They are shared here.
The Most Important Lesson I Learned in Quilting
 7/21/2020 3:50:14 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 When my first child was born, I was young, and money was tight. I had a challenging time coming up with money for sewing fabrics.
Florida Live Oak Quilt Blocks
 7/21/2020 3:13:17 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilt blocks (and quilt shops) along the I-10 corridor in Florida. Quilting Contessa shows some of the amazing photos and things to see and do.
4 Quilting Tips To Always Do? - Revisited
 7/16/2020 1:45:56 PM
 Debi Warner
 Another take on when quilting, we learn there are things we should always do, right? Or should we? Let's explore four of my favorites.
Barn Quilts
 7/16/2020 12:49:27 PM
 Debi Warner
 Donna Sue Groves created the first barn quilt trail in Adams County, Ohio to honor her mother. It was launched in October 2001 with an Ohio Star.
What Do Do When Your Quilt Show Is Cancelled
 7/4/2020 10:12:32 AM
 Debi Warner
 Your favorite quilt show has been cancelled. Whatever will you do now? Here are some suggestions based on the activities that you would have done at the show.
Quilting Road Trip From Here To There
 6/28/2020 11:27:25 AM
 Debi Warner
 On holidays a weather announcer gives the weather for cities named for the holiday. We take our own road trip to some appropriately named quilting towns.
How To Use Start/Stop On Your Sewing Machine
 6/16/2020 3:16:30 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa covers the fascinating ways you can use your sewing machine if you can't use the foot pedal. Read, enjoy, and share...
Vintage Featherweight Sewing Machines
 6/16/2020 1:34:20 PM
 Debi Warner
 Vintage featherweight sewing machines are not just for display in quilt shop windows. They can be restored and enjoyed. Read more...
Considerations For Online Quilt Group Meetings
 6/7/2020 1:10:24 PM
 Debi Warner
 2020 is a year of change. Online quilting group business meetings can be a challenge. Quilting Contessa gives us some tips for success.
Quilt Guild Fun With An Outdoor Quilt Show
 6/3/2020 4:08:52 PM
 Debi Warner
 2020 social distancing made it difficult for quilters to gather. Quilting Contessa has an idea that might help you -- have an outdoor quilt show!
We Need Your Help Designing Online Event Advertising
 6/3/2020 1:47:08 PM
 Paul Johnson
 We need your help. QuiltingHub is working with QT Fabrics to begin advertising online events to help quilt shops, guilds, and others publicize their events. How will you use it?
QuiltingHub Is The Best Bang For Your Advertising Buck
 6/3/2020 10:36:53 AM
 Paul Johnson
 Deycie Luke owner of a quilt shop in Ririe Idaho was hesitant to advertise on QuiltingHub until she signed up. Here is what she had to say to other shops.
Quilt Alaska - We Highly Recommend QuiltingHub
 5/28/2020 11:33:25 AM
 Paul Johnson
 Heather Magee of Rushin’ Tailor’s Quilt Alaska says QuiltingHub.com is the most affordable advertising out there and is the leader in quilting resources and marketing!
The Story Of The Utah Quilt Walk Of 1864
 5/26/2020 10:41:40 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilts were used in the winter of 1864/5 in Utah in a way never imagined and it saved a town from starvation. Read the history!
5 Quilt Club Remote Meeting Ideas
 5/19/2020 3:24:35 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 If your quilt guild (or group) is looking for ideas for remote meeting content, Quilting Contessa gives you 5 (or 7) awesome and fun ideas to get you thinking.
Pocket Stories
 5/4/2020 11:24:39 AM
 Debi Warner
 "Handier than a pocket in a shirt!" How many times have we said that?! Pockets have other stories, too. Deb Warner covers some here.
4 Reasons For An Online Quilt Store & How To Start One
 4/29/2020 2:54:50 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 What are the benefits of an online store and do you need to get one?
8 Characteristics Of A Quilting Cat
 4/27/2020 1:13:00 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 In times of good and bad, we quilters find our cats bring us joy. We dive into all the amazing things they do.
Sewing Machine Foot Pedal Alternatives - Rheostat
 4/27/2020 10:34:04 AM
 Debi Warner
 If you love to sew but just can't use the foot pedal anymore, Contessa has an option for you and your quilting friends called the rheostat.
My Husband Is A Quilter
 4/18/2020 10:03:56 AM
 Debi Warner
 If your husband is a quilter or your friend's husband is a quilter, you will find this article from Quilting Contessa fun.
How To Make A Log Cabin Pot Holder
 4/5/2020 10:01:41 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Brighten up your kitchen with your own quilted pot holder. This tutorial will show you how.
Table Runner Instructions - Remainder Showers
 4/4/2020 9:47:17 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives you step by step instructions to make a pretty table runner called Remainder Showers.
10 Ways Quilt Shops Can Increase Income in 2024
 3/31/2020 6:10:38 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 How can your local quilt shop welcome new customers while maintaining care standards for small spaces and minimize social impact for your staff?
QuiltingHub Waves Fees To Some Quilt Shops
 3/31/2020 4:41:31 PM
 Paul Johnson
 QuiltingHub has eliminated monthly fees through 5/31/2020 to existing brick and mortar quilt shops who do not have an online quilt shop as well.
Recent QuiltingHub Improvements
 3/31/2020 1:38:18 PM
 Paul Johnson
 QuiltingHub is always looking to improve our software. Here as the most recent upgrades, fixes, and improvements to the site.
5 Ways Your Business Can Weather 2020
 3/31/2020 1:21:49 PM
 Paul Johnson
 No doubt 2020 will go into the history books. Make 2020 the year your business weathered the storm better than anyone. We share 5 key tips.
A Quiet Quilt Retreat
 3/30/2020 3:45:37 PM
 Debi Warner
 In a time when we really need funny, Debi Warner shares a tranquil quilt retreat story with a funny ending.
Quilt Retreat Noises, Chatter, and Fun
 3/30/2020 11:27:45 AM
 Debi Warner
 If you've never attended a quilt retreat, you're probably wondering why ladies need to go away to a retreat house to sew together. Here are some of the many reasons why.
Use Videoconferencing In Your Shop
 3/30/2020 10:41:53 AM
 Debi Warner
 Regardless of where your shop is in growth right now, video conferencing can be a powerful tool to engage your customers. Debi Warner gets you started.
Surviving The Lockdown As A Quilt Shop
 3/20/2020 5:17:09 PM
 Paul Johnson
 As quilt shop owners we are under stress during the lockdown. How do we protect our customers and continue our businesses? We answer your questions here.
Quilting During The Lockdown With A Smile
 3/20/2020 4:45:16 PM
 Paul Johnson
 Managing these changing times during the lockdown can be a challenge. How do we manage? What do we do? How do we get supplies?
How To Do Flower Pounding On Fabric
 3/16/2020 1:07:28 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 I know, beating on poor, innocent flower blossoms doesn't seem like a good way to create beauty, but it IS a unique way to dye fabric.
Table Runner Instructions - Split Rail And Clovers
 3/16/2020 11:02:21 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives you step by step instructions to make a pretty table runner called Split Rail And Clovers.
Should I Have My Quilt Appraised?
 3/14/2020 8:19:17 AM
 Debi Warner
 Written appraisals are required to enter many quilt shows, but for the average quilter, what is the value of a quilt appraisal?
Carry QT Fabrics In Your Quilt Shop
 2/28/2020 2:32:22 PM
 Paul Johnson
 QuiltingHub has been focused on helping quilt shops since 2010.  We have partnered with QT Fabrics because they have the same mission. We highly recommend looking into carrying QT Fabrics in your shop.
Guide To Being A Thriving Quilt Shop
 2/28/2020 1:52:59 PM
 Paul Johnson
 QuiltingHub has been helping shops be successful since 2010 and shops have been writing tips. We combined all of this knowledge to give you three tips.
 2/28/2020 12:01:13 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa discusses what is a mini-quilt and some fun examples to spark the imagination.
Vintage Machines: Are They The Best Option?
 2/23/2020 8:53:40 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Compared to modern equivalents, vintage sewing machines are robust work horses. They make a great choice for quilters. But, are they the best option for newbies?
Table Runner Instructions - Crossed Hearts
 2/17/2020 3:01:15 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa covers the step by step guide to making a jelly-role runner called Crossed Hearts.
Table Runner Instructions - River Of Time
 1/17/2020 9:22:17 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives you step by step instructions to make a table pretty table runner called River Of Time.
3 Handy Tips To Ensure Your Bobbin Fits
 1/17/2020 8:42:28 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa covers some useful tips into how to select the right bobbins to fit in our machines. What to look for when purchasing bobbins.
How To Do Assembly Line Basting
 12/14/2019 11:10:34 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Here is an article about how to do assembly line basting. It is a short and easy to follow chain basting guide from Quilting Contessa.
Tackling A Quilting Taboo: Machine Or Hand Quilt?
 12/14/2019 10:11:13 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 From the initial piecing, to the intricate designs on the finished sandwich, and finally attaching the binding. Each step can create fierce heated debate.
A Story Of A Hexie Quilt
 12/5/2019 12:06:50 PM
 Debi Warner
 Debi Warner shares a story about a box of hexies and the quilt that it became.  Quilt history is fun. Read and enjoy this one.
You Can Help Promote Quilt Shows
 12/1/2019 11:27:47 AM
 Paul Johnson
 Guilds and communities need your help to promote quilt shows.  You can share quilt show directory links on guild, quilt shop, and community pages to boost attendance.
What To Wear To Houston Market And Festival
 11/25/2019 3:09:23 PM
 Debi Warner
 If you have not been to Quilt Festival or Quilt Market in Houston or the spring location, you may wonder what to wear. Quilting Contessa covers it here.
QuiltersTravelCompanion.com Joins the QuiltingHub Network
 11/21/2019 3:59:24 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 We are excited to announce that QuiltersTravelCompanion.com has joined the QuiltingHub Network. This has huge impact for our advertisers. Read all about it.
Truly White Wool - Does It Exist?
 11/19/2019 9:28:10 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Does truly white wool exist, and if so, where can it be purchased? Quilting Contessa discusses a good alternative you can use right now.
The Art Of Doodling On Your Sewing Machine
 11/13/2019 7:29:43 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 You've heard about it, seen the photos of amazing quilted designs and want to give it a go. But how do you start Free Motion Quilting?
Picture Window Reverse Applique
 11/12/2019 10:10:54 AM
 Debi Warner
 Debi Warner looks at a new ruler tools called 'Picture Windows Reverse Applique' she found at quilt market from Annie McHugs.
Quilt Market: Schoolhouse Sessions
 11/9/2019 9:15:12 AM
 Debi Warner
 For those who can not or have not yet attended Quilt Market, Quilting Contessa gives you her take on the Schoolhouse sessions.
Quilting Scissors
 11/7/2019 10:19:35 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilt shows and quilt shops are great places to look and see what kind of scissors you may want to buy for your various purposes. Quilting Contessa delves into some of them.
Quilt Updos
 11/5/2019 10:35:27 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 When we think of recycling in quilting, we are usually talking about re-purposing clothes for patches. But what about worn-out quilts? Contessa gives you some great ideas!
A Professional Guide To Quilt Market
 10/27/2019 6:06:55 PM
 Debi Warner
 Is your business quilting? Have you not been to Quilt Market?  Quilting Contessa covers some great newbie information for attending Quilt Market (1 of 2).
Y-Seam Trick And Treats
 10/27/2019 5:30:10 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 A Y-Seam is created when three seams converge. Quilting Contessa covers some of the key tips, tricks, and techniques for doing Y-Seams.
Make Your Own Chicken-Feeder Pin Cushion
 10/16/2019 12:14:27 PM
 Debi Warner
 Pin cushions have a long history in sewing and quilting.  Quilting Contessa shares an inexpensive and fun way to make a pin cushion out a chicken feeder!
6 Sewing Feet to Make Your Quilting Neat
 10/16/2019 11:31:25 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Today's sewing machine feet pretty much cover every sewing task, but which ones can you use to make your quilting more accurate and look more professional?
How to Shop A Quilt Store Closing Sale
 10/8/2019 6:42:35 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 If you are fortunate/unfortunate enough to go to the closing sale, what should you focus on purchasing if you have a limited budget?
Shop Hops – A Quilter’s Dream Vacation
 9/29/2019 11:19:48 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever heard of a “shop hop”?  It is a great idea for a quilter’s vacation.
Sponsoring Quilt Guilds for Reoccurring Business
 9/29/2019 10:40:49 AM
 Ellen Ault
 Ellen Ault covers some great tips for quilt shops to grow their business by sponsoring guild guilds. Read these three great tips now!
Are Faith Based Patterns Popular In Quilt Shops?
 9/8/2019 3:38:05 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever wondered if it would be a good idea to carry faith-based patterns in your quilt store? Contessa has a little research to share with you.
5 Reasons Why Quilters Love Rotary Cutters
 9/4/2019 11:06:11 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Most quilters use rotary cutters and absolutely love them. But why is the rotary cutter the preferred choice for quilters?
Quilt Shops Enter To Win $500 During September
 9/1/2019 4:45:00 PM
 Paul Johnson
 To celebrate QuiltersResources.com joining the QuiltingHub Network, we are giving away up to $800 to quilt shops based on event activity during the month of September. Share with every quilt shop now.
Quilt Guilds Enter To Win $500 During September
 9/1/2019 4:44:51 PM
 Paul Johnson
 To celebrate QuiltersResources.com joining the QuiltingHub Network, we are giving away up to $800 to quilt guilds based on event activity during the month of September. Share with every quilt guild now.
QuiltersResources.com Joined the QuiltingHub Network in 2019
 9/1/2019 4:13:28 PM
 Paul Johnson
 We are excited to announce that QuiltersResources.com has joined the QuiltingHub Network in 2019. This game changing announcement helps our advertisers. Share with everyone.
The Quilting Industry Shows Positive Growth
 8/26/2019 2:51:15 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 The 2017 Quilting in America™ Survey results are in. Although there was a slight dip from the 2014 totals, the survey shows a positive future
Quilting Should Be Considered An Olympic Event
 8/7/2019 11:28:53 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting can be both mentally and physically demanding. So should quilting be considered as an event for the next Olympics? Quilting Contessa covers five reasons.
Unconventional Quilting Tools
 8/2/2019 4:17:02 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 18 fabulous quilting tool ideas that can help you work your quilting projects. Quilting Contessa covers these unconventional quilting tools right now!
Quilting Tool Storage Options
 8/2/2019 3:24:08 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa discusses the way we store our tools will help us to not only take good care of them, but also make them easily accessible.
Simple Basting Supplies You Can Use Now!
 8/2/2019 12:12:59 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 While basting quilts together may be accomplished with needle and thread, a basting gun, or special safety pins, there are still other tools that will help you.
Simple Marking Supplies You Can Use Now!
 8/2/2019 11:52:06 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 If traditional marking supplies from your local quilt shop like chalk pencils and markers are just not enough, here are a few new supplies to try.
Storing Your Quilts And Future Quilts
 7/26/2019 6:58:40 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You've bought the best tools you can find and have made a beautiful work of art, now how do you store your quilts and future quilts?  Here are a few ideas from Quilting Contessa.
5 Pitfalls Of Second Hand Fabric And Notions
 7/23/2019 7:01:19 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Recycling used fabric and those 40 year old threads your Great Aunt left you may be good for the planet. But is it good for Quilting?
5 Ways to Finish Your Quilt Top
 7/20/2019 7:09:56 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you have the top of your quilt pieced or appliqued, and now you need to know how to quilt it.  What are your options?
What to Do With Those Itty Bitty Scraps of Quilting Fabric
 7/8/2019 10:37:17 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As quilters we all end up having some tiny scraps of fabric that we just throw away. Quilting Contessa has some ideas to rescue those fabrics from the trash bin!
Quilt Shop Tip: Refer Your Customers To Other Shops
 7/8/2019 9:54:30 AM
 Ellen Ault
 Ellen Ault covers the key reasons and methods why as a quilt shop owner you should refer customers to other quilt shops and how it will grow your business.
Google My Business: The Best Way To Be Found Locally
 6/15/2019 11:14:35 AM
 Ellen Ault
 Ellen Ault covers of of the best tools to make sure your quilt shop is found locally. It is Google My Business, and she shows you how to use it today! Share with every quilt shop.
5 Tips To Quilting In Your RV
 6/9/2019 12:20:46 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilters who spend time in their RVs face the same issue over and over. How will I store the things that I need? Debi Warner shares 5 great tips to share.
Quilt Label Ideas You Can Use
 5/28/2019 2:53:26 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you need ideas on how to make labels for your quilts? Quilting Contessa shares her top ideas on how to make the right quilting labels for your projects.
5 Reasons to Show and Share Your Quilts
 5/28/2019 1:12:48 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you attend Guild meetings, workshops, retreats, or classes?  Do you participate in Show and Tell?  Here are a few reasons why you really should participate.
What Quilters Are Looking For In A Guild Experience
 5/28/2019 11:51:09 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Are you a Guild member, or perhaps on your Guild Board?  Contessa wants to share what quilters are looking for in a great Guild experience.
Quilt Shops - Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
 5/28/2019 9:43:17 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilt shops are moving out of their comfort zones to attract more business. Here are some recent examples to stimulate your thinking.
What To Consider Before Starting A Quilting Guild
 5/8/2019 10:57:14 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Would you like to start a Quilter’s Guild?  You can start one yourself.  Quilting Contessa shares her experiences so you can be successful.
How To Be A Quilt Judge
 5/8/2019 10:34:40 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Think the judge of the quilt show has an easy job?  Not necessarily!  You may disagree with the judge -- in fact that is a common experience.
Benefits of Joining a Quilt Guild
 5/8/2019 9:51:20 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever considered joining a Quilt Guild? Do you get inspired seeing beautiful quilts? Then a Quilt Guild might be just the place for you.
Uses Of Applique In Central And South America
 5/6/2019 1:39:47 PM
 Debi Warner
 My eye has now turned toward seeing applique in all its forms and a recent Panama Canal cruise to Central and South America left me delighted. Read about it!
Good Uses for Lesser Quality Fabrics
 5/1/2019 4:36:32 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa discusses some of the things you can do with lower quality quilting fabric. Yes, there are good places you can use poor quality quilting fabric.
A Tale Of Two Quilts And Fabric Choices
 5/1/2019 4:09:19 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 There has been much discussion lately over where to purchase fabric for quilting. Quilting Contessa covers the differences you should be aware of. Read now!
9 Keys To Having An A+ Quilt Shop
 4/23/2019 10:05:25 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilters have helped me put together a list of their top wishes in a quilt shop. Does your local quilt shop possess a lot of these ideal qualities?
Have A Sew Day for Others
 4/7/2019 10:25:12 AM
 Debi Warner
 If your sewing bee or quilting bee is looking for project ideas, read this article by Quilting Contessa of QuiltingHub.com about having a sew day for others.
Quilt Copyright Myths
 3/27/2019 10:21:14 AM
 Debi Warner
 Copyright is getting a lot more attention among Quilters these days. Shows often require a copyright statement on a quilt. Quilting Contessa discusses the key myths.
Should You Consider Purchasing A Quilt Kit?
 3/27/2019 9:38:58 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever looked at a quilt kit and wondered if it would be a good idea for you to invest in one? Quilting Contessa gives you a few things to consider.
Wool Applique: I am in love!
 3/22/2019 2:56:28 PM
 Debi Warner
 Once you feel wool applique, you will fall in love with it. Read Quilting Contessa's thought and tips on wool applique. Share with your friends.
The Lure Of Antique Quilts
 3/12/2019 2:01:51 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa discusses some of the key things she learned during a display of antique quilts at a quilt show in the United States. Read along and share.
How to Visit Quilt Shops On Trips With Your Family
 2/26/2019 12:02:49 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you get to travel with your family and take advantage of visiting quilt shops along the way? It takes a bit of planning, but family trips can be fun for everyone.
8 Consideration When Purchasing A Vintage Machine
 2/26/2019 11:36:12 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you have seen a beautiful little vintage machine - now what should you check before you take out your wallet to bring this little gem home with you?
Why Quilt Shops Fail - The Biggest Mistakes
 2/22/2019 11:31:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 The demographics of quilt shops and quilting customers is changing. Many quilt shop owners do not adapt to the market changes and they fail. Read the tips to success!
Using Fusible Grid
 2/16/2019 2:58:10 PM
 Debi Warner
 Fusible grid interfacing is great for piecing very small squares, even as small as one inch, into a quilted project.  Quilting Contessa gives examples where it is used.
Heading to the Quilt Show – Don't Forget…
 2/12/2019 8:04:20 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you finally get to head out to the much anticipated quilt show, so what should you take? Quilting Contessa gives you her best tips for a great show experience.
Appliqueing On A Large Background
 2/12/2019 7:28:37 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever looked at a quilt with a large background and wondered how to even start something with such a large background? Quilting Contessa offers a few ideas.
Quilting Panels
 2/6/2019 4:13:55 PM
 Debi Warner
 Panels have been popular since the quilting resurgence in the 70's.  Quilting Contessa explores their many uses and good reasons for using quilting panels.
Where Do Your Quilts Go To Mature?
 1/26/2019 11:30:29 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa entertains us on what to make your quilt into. Should it become a pillow, a tote bag, a wall hanging, a throw or bed-size quilt?
Quilter's Stash Rules Of Acquisition
 1/24/2019 12:46:22 PM
 Debi Warner
 We started thinking about the rules of the stash.  Thinking back to Star Trek and the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, I think we can come up with a useful set of rules.
Is A One-Stop Shop Hop For Your Quilt Shop?
 1/20/2019 6:45:52 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa covers if your quilt shop should be part of a one-stop shop hop and some tips to make it great! Read and share with your quilt shop.
8 Keys To Vending At A Quilt Show
 1/20/2019 4:15:27 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you have decided to vend at a quilt show – congratulations! This can be an exciting time as you prepare and a checklist will certainly be helpful with this endeavor.
4 Keys To Keeping Quilts Clean
 1/13/2019 10:00:12 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa answers the age old question of what are the best ways to keep your quilts and wall hangings clean. What are your tips?
Adding Dimension to Wool or Bamboo Felt Applique
 1/13/2019 9:27:18 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives you a variety of methods of adding dimension to wool or bamboo felt applique. Use one of these techniques today!
Plaid Quilting Ideas
 1/8/2019 10:27:51 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As you have seen, plaid is currently all the rage in quilting ideas.  Quilting Contessa explores plaid and gives you some quilting ideas and tips for using plaid.
How To Make A Kitchen Boa
 12/28/2018 10:31:18 AM
 Debi Warner
 The Kitchen Boa is a wearable dishtowel that replaces the dishtowel over your shoulder. It is popular and surprisingly easy to make. Quilting Contessa shows you how.
All About Thimbles
 12/28/2018 9:52:36 AM
 Debi Warner
 Thimbles are so important for those of us who sew, but what is the history? What kinds are there? What should I buy? Quilting Contessa discusses it all.
Top 5 Things That Happen At Quilt Retreats
 12/24/2018 11:21:02 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa shares some of the interesting, fun, and annoying things that happen when you go to a quilt retreat. You probably have yours too!
Quilt Shops Of Buda Texas
 12/24/2018 10:34:05 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa visits the top quilt shops in Buda Texas and shares with you the treasures she finds using the Quilter's Trip Planner.
How Quilt Shops Can Use Facebook Ads
 12/24/2018 9:30:50 AM
 Ellen Ault
 While QuiltingHub and Facebook posts are great for business, did you know you can use Facebook ads to grow your quilt shop? Ellen shows you how!
Quilt Shops Of Cedar Park Texas
 12/10/2018 5:34:52 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa visits the top quilt shops in Cedar Park Texas and share with you the treasures she finds using the Quilter's Trip Planner.
Quilt Shops Of Georgetown Texas
 12/10/2018 4:59:06 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa visits the top quilt shops in Georgetown Texas and share with you the treasures she finds using the Quilter's Trip Planner.
Quilt Shops Of Round Rock Texas
 12/10/2018 4:18:44 PM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa visits the top quilt shops in Round Rock Texas and share with you the treasures she finds using the Quilter's Trip Planner.
Quilt Shops Of Luling And Lockhart Texas
 12/4/2018 9:43:06 AM
 Debi Warner
 Quilting Contessa took a short quilt shop visiting trip in southern Texas near Luling and Lockhart Texas. She details the shops she visited along the way.
How To Mix Fiber Types In A Quilt Project
 11/26/2018 10:03:16 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Ever wonder if you can mix fiber types in your quilt project? Quilting Contessa answers that question and gives you the details you need to mix fiber types in your quilt project.
How To Judge Significant Machine Embroidery
 11/26/2018 9:17:58 AM
 Debi Warner
 As quilt guild, you may have many questions and issues with figuring out how to judge significant machine embroidery in your shows. Read this guide for ideas.
Taste of Christmas Ornament
 11/20/2018 10:08:21 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 This is a fun Christmas ornament you can make for yourself or as a gift.
Virtual Quilt Shows And Virtual Trunk Shows
 11/13/2018 10:14:58 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Virtual quilt shows may grow into popularity very soon.  Quilting Contessa explores what a virtual quilt show is and how they may look in the future.
Save Yourself Time on Social Media
 11/12/2018 9:14:11 AM
 Ellen Ault
 Are you a quilt shop owner who wants to save yourself time on social media? Link, Schedule and Recycle Posts!
How To Store And Arrange Your Stash
 9/19/2018 9:01:32 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you have a fabric stash and you want to know how to store and arrange your fabric stash?  We discuss the key options here.
How Should I Grow My Fabric Stash?
 9/19/2018 8:56:00 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How Much Fabric Should I Buy For My Stash - Or Should I Let My Stash Just Grow Organically? We discuss the key tips here.
Pros and Cons of Scant Quarter Inch Seams
 9/19/2018 8:48:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Ever wonder when and if you should use a scant quarter inch seam? We discuss to pros and cons of using quarter inch seams.
What is a Quilter's Stash?
 9/17/2018 8:42:36 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you heard about quilters who have a stash? Ever wondered what a "stash" is and why you might want one?
Facebook Video Posts And Live Video
 9/12/2018 6:06:47 AM
 Ellen Ault
 Facebook video can be one of the most powerful tools to grow your quilt shop business.  We cover the key things you need to make it a hit!
Top 4 Ways to Protect Your Perle Cotton
 9/8/2018 8:11:10 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever been stitching and your ball of perle cotton gone rolling off into a dirty spot or puddle?  Read the top 4 solutions you will love!
Wool Applique Essential Supplies
 8/1/2018 2:21:30 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Getting started with wool applique? Read the seven essential supplies you need to do wool applique.
How To Maximize Your Results
 6/27/2018 11:56:47 AM
 System Admin
 When QuiltingHub gets 2 million page views a month, your listing needs to stand out. Get advertising tips by clicking this powerful button on your listing.
Pressing Issues When Piecing Your Quilt
 6/27/2018 10:35:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 When piecing quilts you can either press seams open or to one side (nesting). We explore the best times to use each of these methods.
Changing Sewing Machine Needles
 6/27/2018 10:10:17 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Answers the question of how often you should change your sewing machine needles and some key things to consider.
Add Your Quilting Resource To QuiltingHub
 6/26/2018 12:22:32 PM
 System Admin
 Did you know QuiltingHub.com is the adverting resource reaching 1.2 million quilter page views a month that you are not using correctly? Read to learn more.
5 Quilting Rules To Never Break
 6/18/2018 4:52:59 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you been a rush on quilting project and wonder what rules you can break and no one will notice?  Well, here are five quilting rules to never break.
Enjoyable vs Heirloom Quilts
 6/18/2018 4:23:06 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Discusses some key considerations when trying to decide if you should make a quilt to be on display or enjoyed by loved ones.
4 Key Tips to Heirloom Quilt Preservation
 6/18/2018 3:11:00 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 We discuss four key considerations for heirloom quilt preservation and if it is realistic to make and give an heirloom quilt to your family?
Free Bamboo Bow Pincushion Pattern
 6/18/2018 11:44:34 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Want to create a Bamboo Bow Pincushion for yourself or a family member as a gift? Follow this free and easy step by step pattern to create it today!
Mini-Retreats – A Way to Finish UFO Quilting Projects
 5/24/2018 9:20:47 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Need to finish several unfinished quilting projects but you need company to be inspired? Read how to set up your own mini-retreat with you and your friends.
Paradise Quilting Says Amazing Customer Service
 5/18/2018 4:41:49 PM
 System Admin
 Bruce & Francine of Paradise Quilting in Concord New Hampshire say QuiltingHub provided the highest level of customer service they have seen from any quilting resources directory.
Importance Of Events And How To Market Them
 4/24/2018 10:39:37 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Did you know you can grow your organization using events? We explore what events and how to advertise them effectively.
Small Quilting Project Ideas To Enjoy
 4/21/2018 7:48:33 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting is fun and big quilts can consume too much time to enjoy. Here are some small quilting project ideas to spark and enjoy today! Love and share.
7 Tips for Hosting A Successful Quilt Show
 4/18/2018 7:51:27 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How to put on a successful quilt show for your quilt guild. This is a must-read for all first timers holding the quilt show position in your quilt guild.
Making Miniature Quilts
 3/6/2018 6:07:19 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Ever wanted to make a miniature quilt but wanted to know more first?  Read how to make them and get a free pattern to make yours today!
How to Piece Curved Edges
 2/23/2018 7:13:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa gives us a fabulous guide to follow to piece those pesky curved edges with ease. Share with all your quilting friends.
5 Common Issues With Rotary Cutters
 2/16/2018 1:46:35 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa covers the 5 most common issues with rotary cutters and how to resolve them for perfect cuts every time!
What Else Can My Quilting Ruler Do?
 2/8/2018 7:42:00 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Most quilters use a 24-inch ruler to simply cut straight lines. I show you the different angle cuts, bias cuts, etc. the quilting ruler can do.
Free Quilt Project - A Heart Hot Pad
 1/15/2018 11:15:58 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Want an easy valentine's quilt project for yourself or a friend?  I show you a step-by-step guide to sewing a valentine's heart hot pad. Share with those you love!
How to Sew A Rouched Rose
 1/8/2018 10:49:31 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Looking for the best tutorial on how to make a Rouched Rose. Follow this step by step guide to sewing your Rouched Rose and have fun doing it! Share it!
10 Different Quilting Project Ideas
 12/18/2017 10:44:03 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 10 great project ideas for those of you having trouble deciding what to do with your quilting time/talent since all your beds were covered. share with your friends!
How To Quilt On A Tight Budget
 12/6/2017 7:22:22 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa discusses what to do when your quilting desire is strong but your wallet is weak.
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Wreath
 12/2/2017 7:44:35 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 This is a step by step guide to set a Christmas wreath using nine log cabin blocks with a red center. Great for as a gift project or for yourself.
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Sleeve
 11/28/2017 4:03:58 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Want to sew a Christmas wall hanging sleeve? Read and follow these simple direction to sew your Christmas Tree! share with your friends.
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Tree
 11/20/2017 9:36:06 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Want to quilt a cute Christmas Tree for yourself or as a gift? Read and follow these simple direction to sew your Christmas Tree! share with your friends.
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Stockings
 11/13/2017 6:58:00 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 These have to be the easiest Christmas Stocking you can make.  Follow my step by step guide to make your very own Christmas Stockings.
Quilting Magazines - How To Organize?
 11/10/2017 1:00:12 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 We all enjoy purchasing beautiful quilting magazines, but what is the best way to store and utilize them to our best advantage? Read the tips now!
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Napkins
 11/10/2017 11:42:29 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Here is a very fun and simple project to sew Christmas Napkins that requires no batting and no quilting! Read on and make them yourself as a gift.
A Gift Quilt Project - Chameleon Pillows
 10/31/2017 7:03:22 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Are you a quilter searching for great gifts ideas for the holidays? This is a wonderful chameleon pillows as a fun Christmas gift for all.
A Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Ornament
 10/27/2017 7:09:50 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Are you a quilter searching for great gifts ideas for the holidays? Do a fun Christmas ornament project with the young elves in your house.
A Hot Gift Quilt Project - Christmas Hot Pad
 10/23/2017 8:18:39 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Are you a quilter searching for great gifts ideas for the holidays? Look no further. Here is a great Christmas hot pad project that is easy, fun and free.
Quilt Fabric Shopping - Physical vs Online?
 10/20/2017 6:42:21 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you prefer to shop at online quilt shops or brick and mortar quilt shops? We cover the benefits of each. What are your thoughts?
What Attracts You to a Quilt Pattern?
 10/13/2017 12:39:36 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 You see a quilt pattern and you just have to get it, right? We cover 3 things to consider before you make that purchase. Read them now and share.
A Fun Quilt-as-you-go Table Runner
 10/13/2017 7:32:49 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 A step by step guide to making this free table runner using the quilt-as-you-go method. Make this no stress free table runner today!
When Should I Prewash Quilt Fabric?
 9/25/2017 12:27:47 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa shares her tips on when to prewash and when not to prewash quilt fabric. Share this article with your quilting friends.
6 Keys To Having The Dream Quilt Shop
 9/21/2017 11:07:16 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa shares her thoughts on what customers love to see in quilt shops. These are the top 6 ideas for your local quilt shop.
Top Four Tips On Shopping At Quilt Shops
 9/19/2017 10:27:46 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do You Ever Get Overwhelmed at a Quilt Show or Large Quilt Shop?
Good Quilting Fabric - What to Look For
 9/18/2017 7:16:09 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Knowing what makes good quality quilting fabric is important to quilting and quilt shop owners alike. Read what to look for in quality quilting fabric.
Top Tips To Remember Your Quilt History
 9/14/2017 3:32:58 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Here are some great tips on preserving and remembering your quilting history -- a quilting binder and quilt labels. How do you do it?
Quilt Shops - How Much Should I Post on Facebook
 9/9/2017 1:33:13 PM
 Ellen Ault
 Ellen Ault shares her tips as a quilt shop marketer about how, what, and when to post on Facebook to grow your quilt shop on Facebook.
Bamboo Felt - A Wool Alternative For Applique
 9/6/2017 3:06:47 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you love wool applique but you are allergic to wool? I suggest you look and Bamboo felt as a wonderful alternative. read more about it here.
How And Why To Do Mitered Corners
 9/6/2017 2:18:35 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Considering mitered corners for your quilt top? Quilting Contessa covers, why, when and how to do mitered corners.
QuiltingHub To Help Hurricane Harvey Victims
 9/1/2017 6:51:33 AM
 System Admin
 Let your quilting business help the victims of Hurricane Harvey and get access to 1 million page views a month of quilting customers looking for you.
A Quilt Retreat Owner's Guide to QuiltingHub
 8/28/2017 10:44:02 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 I own a quilt retreat, and I wanted to share my tips on marketing using QuiltingHub and why every owner should use QuiltingHub to market themselves.
A Quilt Shop Owner's Guide To QuiltingHub
 8/28/2017 10:23:40 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As a quilt shop owner, I want to share that QuiltingHub is the best advertising value in the industry and how to use it to make money for your shop.
Break Out Of Your Box
 8/25/2017 10:02:03 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As a quilter, I encourage you to break out of your box. As you read, you and I will explore some ideas on how you can break out of your quilting box.
Turn To QuiltingHub For All Kinds Of Help
 8/24/2017 8:02:13 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa shares some of the ways she and many of her quilting friends can and do use QuiltingHub. Get your tips now!
Key Tips To Keep Your Customers Coming
 8/22/2017 2:05:37 PM
 Bonnie Clark
 Bonnie Clark shares some key tips for your quilt shop to grow and get stronger.
Quilters: Planning A Trip?
 8/18/2017 9:28:33 AM
 Carol Campbell
 If you haven’t tried the Trip Planner on this QuiltingHub site, you’re missing out! You have to see this.
Be An Unorthodox Quilter - And Love It!
 8/9/2017 6:51:22 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 You can use a serger to piece blocks. It may be unorthodox, but it is fun and it works! Read all about it here.
The Best Treat is a Quilt Retreat!
 8/4/2017 2:52:43 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 A quilt retreat is the ultimate getaway for a quilter. It's a chance to leave normal life behind and gather with others.  Let's dive right in!
Quilt Shop Marketing 101 By Ellen Ault
 7/20/2017 11:54:03 AM
 Ellen Ault
 You are probably on Facebook, or Instagram, maybe even Twitter.  But is your quilt shop on social media?  It should be!
8 Half Square Triangles And Loosen Up
 7/16/2017 9:21:52 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Another great quilting project of 8 half square triangles to make and help you loosen up those creative juices! Let's dive right in.
4 Quilting Tips To Always Do?
 7/11/2017 8:27:50 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 When quilting, we learn there are things we should always do, right? Or should we? Let's explore four of my favorites.
Try Not To Be A Perfect Quilter - Loosen More!
 7/9/2017 7:40:01 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Are you stuck beginning a quilt project because you want it to be perfect? Maybe it does not have to be as perfect. Read these tips to get you going.
How To Train Your Brain To Be More Creative
 7/6/2017 9:16:44 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Everyone knows that exercise is great for our bodies, but it’s also important to get in a workout for the brain. We discuss some great tips.
Reach Your Customers Instantly Using Facebook
 6/30/2017 7:32:18 AM
 Bonnie Clark
 As retail shop or service provider getting repeat customers is challenging. I share a key tip I used as a marketing specialist with you.
2 Million Page Views A Month
 6/25/2017 9:35:00 AM
 System Admin
 You deserve your events getting noticed. Take full advantage of membership on the world's highest traffic quilting resources website.
How To Host An At-Home Quilt Retreat
 6/22/2017 6:51:45 AM
 Debi Warner
 We love quilt retreats, but they can be costly and too infrequent. I decided to host my own, and I am sharing you the story and tips for success.
Quilt It Yourself Without Guilt
 6/14/2017 7:23:43 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You put every ounce of effort into your quilt.  So do you send it to be quilted or quilt it yourself?  I encourage you to quilt it yourself without the guilt!
Quilt Shop Marketing Tip - Use A Store Mascot
 6/7/2017 8:43:10 AM
 Bonnie Clark
 Your sports teams have mascots that grow fans. Why not use this concept at your quilt shop. We did, and I explain how to do it effectively!
Pre-wash Or Not Pre-wash Your Quilt Top?
 5/27/2017 8:05:45 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Before starting your quilt top, you will need to decide if you will wash your fabric or wait until the project is done to wash it. We discuss your options.
More Keys To Making Perfect Quilt Blocks
 5/27/2017 6:56:09 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Managing to have all the seams meet and all blocks finishing the same size can be a struggle.  Part two of how to make this happen.
Quilt Shop Owners Guide to QuiltingHub
 5/27/2017 11:29:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As a quilt shop owner, I have been using QuiltingHub to bring in new customers for several years. I share three great tips so you can too!
Getting Your Quilt Ready For The Longarmer
 5/24/2017 8:25:02 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 A guide to preparing a quilt for a longarmer for quilting services. There are things you must and must not do to get the best results from your provider.
A Step By Step Guide To Stem Stitch Applique
 5/24/2017 7:34:43 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Stem stitch is a wonderful means to add texture and dimension to fabrics like wool that otherwise may be just a little flat. Here is a step-by-step guide.
A Step By Step Guide To Blanket Stitch Applique
 5/14/2017 8:35:24 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Blanket stitch is an excellent way to applique wool projects and fusible cotton applique. Follow this step by step guide with photos to do it.
4 Top Methods to Stop Bleeding Fabric
 5/13/2017 9:54:03 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Bleeding fabric has happened to all of us. A frustrating as it is, there are 4 great methods to stop fabric bleeding. We cover them here.
3 Great Tips For Cutting Quilt Fabric
 5/13/2017 9:01:40 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you think you could do better cutting your applique with scissors? Yes, you can. Follow these three great tips to cutting with scissors.
4 Keys To Making Perfect Quilt Blocks
 5/12/2017 7:32:30 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Managing to have all the seams meet and all blocks finishing the same size can be a struggle. Following 4 basic steps will consistently make this happen.
Importance Of A Name In Your Logo
 4/30/2017 8:04:40 AM
 System Admin
 Your logo plays a key role on the internet with social media and sharing. We detail how to take advantage of this.
7 Keys To Starting A Quilt Shop
 4/27/2017 7:55:39 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You have studied everything, and you decided to open a quilt shop. So, what do you need to do to actually start one? A former shop owner tells all!
Who Inspired You to Become a Quilter?
 4/26/2017 7:53:33 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 For most of us, there was someone special or something special that turned us into quilters.  Read this tribute and relive your own special reasons.
How to Organize Your Thread And Save Time
 4/26/2017 7:14:25 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Thread is everywhere, I can't find anything, and I buy duplicates by mistake! Fret no more, read these great tips to organizing your sewing thread.
5 Keys To Owning The Right Fabric Cutting Mat
 4/14/2017 8:23:54 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So it is time to buy a fabric cutting mat, but what features are best for you? We dive into 5 great tips on selecting the best cutting mat for your needs.
Check Out The Quilter's Trip Planner
 3/28/2017 12:38:49 PM
 System Admin
 If you have not used this amazing tool to find quilt shops, guilds, shows and more; it is time you tried!
Ideas To Use Your Empty Quilt Shop Classroom
 3/24/2017 10:24:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have times where your classroom is empty at your quilt shop? Here are a few tips to make use of it and profit at the same time!
How to Start a Quilting Bee
 3/24/2017 9:25:32 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 So you and your friends are thinking of starting a quilting bee? I discuss the key points to consider on how to start a quilting bee.
10 Essentials To Bring To A Quilt Retreat
 3/24/2017 8:43:08 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Attending one of your first great retreats? I discuss what to bring to make sure you have an enjoyable and rewarding quilt retreat!
How To Press Quilt Block Seams
 3/21/2017 6:31:27 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 No matter how many times we seem to press those seams, they never seem to be right! This illustrated guide will show you how to press quilt block seams.
9 Tips To Attending A Quilt Retreat
 3/20/2017 6:47:56 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Attending your first quilt retreat? I discuss the key things to bring and not bring so you get the most and have the most fun out of the retreat!
6 Keys To Consider Before Starting A Quilt Shop
 3/8/2017 6:45:31 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Want to start a quilt shop? There is so much more to owning and running a store than loving fabric and sewing. I cover the key points here.
8 Keys To Planning a Great Quilt Retreat
 3/7/2017 8:27:26 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Hosting a quilt retreat has it's rewards for both you and the quilters. Here are the top tips you need to know to make it a retreat to remember for your guests.
14 Keys to Planning a Great Quilt Show
 3/1/2017 6:41:25 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Planning a quilt show can seem daunting, but it is well worth it. I share with you 14 keys to planning a great quilt show.
Super Easy Searching On QuiltingHub
 2/28/2017 10:34:40 AM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub has begun offering an exciting new search feature to search for anything in the site. Just ask for what you want.
How To Be a Brand Ambassador
 2/28/2017 6:42:37 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 As a quilter, have you ever wanted to be a brand ambassador? Wonder what is involved and how to do it? Read the tips from a current brand ambassador.
Customer Relations For Your Quilt Store
 12/6/2016 6:29:37 AM
 Barb Grutter
 Great article that discusses how a quilt store keeps their customers coming back. Repeat customers are the life blood of your business. Let's do it right!
Quilt Show Publicizing To Do List
 12/1/2016 5:39:12 PM
 System Admin
 Quilt guild and quilt show publicizing can be a daunting task. This short article gets you started with great tips to be successful.
How To Increase Quilt Shop Profits
 12/1/2016 2:14:26 PM
 System Admin
 Trying to increase and even make a profit as a quilt shop can be hard. This short article gives you some tips you can use right now.
A Guide to Choosing a Quilter's Sewing Machine
 11/29/2016 7:01:05 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Choosing a Quilter's Sewing Machine can be daunting. So many choices and options! Let this guide clear the haze and help you make the right choices for you.
What Not To Do As A Quilt Shop Owner
 11/21/2016 2:46:09 PM
 System Admin
 A recent survey of 100 quilt shops to see what they were doing to grow their businesses yielded some shocking results. We discuss the good and bad.
Use QuiltingHub Advertise Your Guild Or Shop Events
 10/31/2016 12:02:54 PM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub owns almost every quilting resources media outlet. Advertise your quilting events once and appear everywhere. Click to learn more.
Top Tips For Beginning Quilters
 10/31/2016 10:10:55 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 You are new to quilting, and searching for the basic tools and knowledge you need to do it right? Here are the top tips for beginning quilters. Share it!
Growing The Quilting Industry
 10/20/2016 12:43:01 PM
 System Admin
 Discusses the ways you can grow quilting for you and regionally around you. Gives you a wide range of articles and direction to help accomplish growth.
Chain Store vs Quilt Store Fabric?
 10/17/2016 8:40:16 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 A deep dive into the difference between chain-store and quilt store fabrics. It makes a huge difference on your project long term.
English Paper Piecing with Glue Basting
 10/9/2016 5:08:19 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Ever ask yourself if glue basting English Paper Piecing Pieces is really faster? This short article quickly answers that question.
What Does Contrast In Quilting Mean?
 10/6/2016 7:24:12 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Wonderfully illustrated quilting how-to article on contrast.  Learn the key things you need to do to use contrast in your quilts.
Speckled Hen Quilts Says Activate Your Membership Now
 10/3/2016 10:26:35 AM
 Karen Stephens
 Karen Stephens, owner of Speckled Hen Quilts in Aurora Oregon, highly recommends you activate your member listing for your quilt shop today. QuiltingHub Ratings and Reviews
QuiltingHub - Yesterday, Today, & Future
 9/27/2016 1:58:22 PM
 System Admin
 Description of QuiltingHub's status when it started, today, and the future plans for the site and what it means to you as an advertiser.
Maximize Your Museum Listing on QuiltingHub
 9/22/2016 3:42:45 PM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your Quilt Museum. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
Maximize Your Online Shop Listing on QuiltingHub
 9/22/2016 3:20:29 PM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your online quilt shop. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
How To Choose Colors For My Quilt Project?
 9/21/2016 10:36:23 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 A wonderful discussion on how to choose colors for my quilt project.  Includes contrast, complimentary, and pop color discussions.
Quilt Fabric and Colors from 1940 to 1959
 9/15/2016 9:13:15 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Explore the fabric prints and colors in the 1940's and 1950's in this insightful article.  We travel through those years and what made the quilt fabric amazing.
Quilting History From 1930 To 1939
 9/8/2016 10:09:46 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Depression area was a unique time in the quilting industry. Explore the key aspects of quilts of this era in this article by the QuIlting Contessa.
With The Grain? Against The Grain? Bias? Selvage?
 8/29/2016 7:47:15 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 What exactly does the term "with the grain" mean when it pertains to a piece of fabric being used in a quilt? Read all about it in this article.
To Use, or Not To Use Batting?
 8/16/2016 1:37:49 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 The decision to add batting to your quilt has several factors. We explore when to use it or not, and what types to use with your quilt.
How To Sew Great Half Square Triangles
 8/1/2016 3:31:02 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Discusses half square triangles (HSTs) and how to sew them correctly using these great tricks.
Make Your QuiltingHub Listing Stand Out
 7/18/2016 5:49:26 PM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub member listings can stand above the rest with some planning and execution of some simple steps. We explore them here.
Using The Quilter's Trip Planner
 7/18/2016 10:35:21 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Quilting Contessa shares the best ways to use the Quilter's Trip Planner™ on QuiltingHub.  Also, which quilt shops to visit so you can have the most fun!
How To Applique With Fusible Web
 7/9/2016 8:31:20 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Applique using fusible web can be fast and easy. This article demonstrates this method with photos and clear directions. Share it with your friends.
Interview With Paul Johnson - QuiltingHub CEO
 6/30/2016 9:46:41 AM
 System Admin
 Quilting Contessa shares the inside scoop with her interview with Paul Johnson -- creator of QuiltingHub.  She gets answers to your questions straight from the CEO.
Thread Basting A Quilt
 6/16/2016 5:57:22 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Thread basting is the first method of sandwiching a quilt many quilters learn to use. We explore some methods of thread basting your quilt sandwich.
Making The Perfect Quilt Sandwich
 5/30/2016 9:56:33 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 How you assemble the quilt sandwich affects the final product. We discuss two rolling methods and 3 basting techniques to help you decide what is best.
All Unclaimed Quilt Shops Are Being Deleted
 5/26/2016 12:57:13 PM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub announces that after 7 years of maintaining about 800 quilt shops who never claimed their listings, we are deleting them in the next 90 days.
Quilt Shop Marketing Excellence Award
 5/9/2016 10:56:35 AM
 System Admin
 This prestigious award goes to quilt shops that display forward-thinking marketing concepts to attract quilters of all ages. Read all about it here. QuiltingHub Ratings and Reviews.
Quilt Shop Benefits
 4/29/2016 8:35:25 AM
 System Admin
 Summarizes the benefits of a quilt shop member listing on QuiltingHub.
Add Where-To-Buy To Your Quilting Brand Website
 4/28/2016 2:21:55 PM
 System Admin
 One of the biggest headaches for quilting brands is maintaining and displaying a list of quilt shops that sell your brand. We discuss the easiest solution.
Choosing Thread For Your Quilting Project
 4/28/2016 11:51:08 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 We all know that choosing thread for your quilting project is important, but how do we choose the right thread? We cover the important considerations.
Top 5: Get Repeat Customers Into Your Quilt Shop
 4/27/2016 4:23:39 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 A recent survey of quilter has some shocking answers as to why they become repeat customers to your quilt shop. We share some valuable tips to make your shop flourish.
Hot Tips for Great Free Motion Quilting
 4/1/2016 1:27:26 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Ever wanted to do Free Motion Quilting, but unsure what you need to do. Read this great tips on Free Motion Quilting to get you started!
QuiltingHub Membership Skyrockets
 4/1/2016 12:59:24 PM
 System Admin
 Read why and how QuiltingHub traffic and membership is soaring. If you have or visit a quilt shop or service provider, read the amazing scoop!
Top 5 Ideas to Market Your Quilt Shop
 4/1/2016 11:25:06 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 These are the top 5 things you can do right now to grow and market your quilt shop.  We discuss ways to get customers and how to keep them coming back.
How Do I Know What Colors Go Together?
 2/28/2016 3:23:28 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 We explore the color wheel, primary, secondary, tertiary, analogous, complementary, split-complimentary, and double-complimentary colors in an easy way.
How To Handle Not Enough Quilt Fabric
 1/27/2016 10:09:08 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you ever realized you do not have enough fabric for your quilt pattern? Well don't give up.  We have some of the brightest ideas to help you.
Adapting A Quilt Design To Your Desired Bed Size
 12/28/2015 10:43:54 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Discusses what options you have to adjust the size of your quilt pattern size does not match the dimensions of the bed you are making it for.
Best Way To Determine Your Quilt Size
 12/2/2015 11:26:57 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Stop searching, this is the best way to calculate your quilt size based on the size of the bed it is being made for.
Storm At Sea Quilt Designs from Inklingo
 11/30/2015 11:34:21 PM
 Linda Franz
 Storm At Sea is a fabulously versatile design for machine piecers. It is simpler to sew than you might think--despite the odd angles and points. Don't worry. No weird rulers, no templates and no paper piecing are required. This article includes an elegant example and an Electric Quilt project file!
Quilters Trip Planner™ Handouts
 11/28/2015 2:04:34 PM
 System Admin
 Discusses and provides that handout that can be given to quilters or quilt shops to increase awareness, usage, and the overall growth of quilt shops.
Feathered Star Quilt Designs
 11/2/2015 11:25:45 PM
 Linda Franz
 Let the feathers fly! There are unprecedented design options for stunning Feathered Star Quilts thanks to innovations for sewing and pressing precise triangles. Since printing with Inklingo is such a fast, accurate way to prepare the shapes, you can afford to spend time perfecting your design and choosing fabric. Includes video.
Stunning New Trip Planner™ - October 2015
 10/28/2015 9:09:59 AM
 System Admin
 Summarizes the amazing improvements to the QuiltingHub quilting events Trip Planner™ made in October 2015.
Double Wedding Ring Quilt Designs
 9/30/2015 10:48:30 PM
 Linda Franz
 This is a good time to take a fresh look at a traditional heirloom design, especially since new Inklingo techniques make Double Wedding Ring accessible for more quilters. You do NOT have to be an expert quilter with decades of experience to get beautiful results.
Press For Success In Piecing Your Quilt
 8/31/2015 10:29:47 PM
 Linda Franz
 Ideally, pressing will make your quilt look its best and make the quilting easier. This article includes some cool tips on a hot topic.
Ten Advantages of Hand Piecing
 7/31/2015 8:38:31 PM
 Linda Franz
 This is the 21st century and many quilters have fancier sewing machines than ever before, and less time, so why is hand piecing so popular? Read Why
5 Tips For Staying Comfortable While Quilting
 7/31/2015 2:59:02 PM
 Vicki Gillespie
 Quilting can be a pain - in our bodies. Quilt should be fun. Here are some great tips for staying comfortable and healthy while quilting.
QuiltingHub Network Revolutionizes Advertising
 7/27/2015 8:06:08 AM
 System Admin
 The QuiltingHub Network revolutionizes advertising in the quilting industry with their edit once and appear everywhere methodology. We discuss how that works.
What Companies Look For In Brand Ambassadors
 6/30/2015 8:43:55 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Whether you are looking to be a quilting brand ambassador or a brand looking for an ambassador there are key traits to look for. Read the traits.
Key Benefits of Quilting
 6/30/2015 8:55:42 AM
 Vicki Gillespie
 Your friends ask you why you spend so much time quilting. Often that is hard to answer. Now you can share this article with all your non quilting friends.
More Tips for Choosing Colors For Your Quilt
 5/30/2015 2:50:02 PM
 Vicki Gillespie
 This time, we look at a few more tips to help you select colors for your quilt.
QuiltingHub News
 5/20/2015 9:12:37 AM
 System Admin
 What is New on QuiltingHub
QuiltingHub Is Hiring
 5/20/2015 9:05:35 AM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub is a leading online quilting marketing organization and is growing fast. We have a variety of full and part-time positions available. Join our team!
Becoming a Sponsor of QuiltingHub
 5/20/2015 9:00:12 AM
 System Admin
 Sponsors of QuiltingHub get the highest visibility on the website.  The three levels are discussed and compared.  Spots are limited and applications are being accepted now.
How To Easily Choose Colors For Your Quilt
 4/29/2015 9:38:22 AM
 Vicki Gillespie
 Even if you don't understand color theory, this handy technique will help you make a quick decision about colors for your quilt.
Growing Your Quilt Shop With Facebook
 4/28/2015 12:25:57 PM
 System Admin
 A brief discussion of why and how to use Facebook to grow your quilt shop business.
Quilting Yo-Yos - Problem Solved
 4/1/2015 4:06:46 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 If you like quilting Yo-Yos, but have not been happy with the results, this great article covers how to solve that problem and love Yo Yos!
How To Decide What Quilt To Make?
 3/24/2015 4:01:04 PM
 Vicki Gillespie
 Have a quilt you need to make for someone, but you are stumped on what to make? Let us consider all the key factors and help to you to decide what quilt to make.
Growing Your Quilt Shop With Classes For Young People
 3/23/2015 6:24:40 PM
 System Admin
 A brief discussion of Growing Your Quilt Shop With Classes For Young People.
Quilt Shop Talk - Greeting New Customers
 3/20/2015 5:28:58 PM
 System Admin
 A brief discussion of greeting new customers in quilt shops.
Quilt Shop Talk - Accounting
 3/17/2015 10:43:03 AM
 System Admin
 A brief discussion of accounting in quilt shops.
How to Test Ink on Fabric
 3/1/2015 8:20:13 PM
 Linda Franz
 Is the ink in YOUR Inkjet printer good for printing on fabric with Inklingo? This simple test will give you confidence.
Attract More Quilters To Your Guild and Shows
 2/27/2015 11:40:55 AM
 System Admin
 As a guild publicist, your job is to get more people engaged in the group and events.  It can be daunting, but it does not have to be.
Attracting Younger Visitors To Your Museum
 2/27/2015 11:01:06 AM
 System Admin
 The quilting age demographics is now younger than it was 5 years ago. The way we attract and retain younger people is completely different than we as museum marketers are accustomed.
How To Attract More Younger Customers To Your Service?
 2/27/2015 10:32:38 AM
 System Admin
 The quilting age demographics is now younger than it was 5 years ago. The way we attract and retain younger people is completely different than we as service professionals are accustomed.
How To Attract More Customers To Your Online Quilt Shop?
 2/26/2015 3:23:33 PM
 System Admin
 The quilting age demographics is now younger than it was 5 years ago. The way we attract and retain younger people is completely different than we as online quilt shop owners are accustomed.
Get More Customers To Your Quilt Shop?
 2/26/2015 2:01:12 PM
 System Admin
 The quilting age demographics is now younger than it was 5 years ago. The way we attract and retain these younger customers is completely different than we as shop owners are accustomed.
QuiltingHub Demographics
 2/16/2015 12:04:20 PM
 System Admin
 Discusses the demographics of the users of QuiltingHub
Fabric Power
 2/1/2015 10:34:53 PM
 Linda Franz
 One of the many things I love about Inklingo is that it uses fabric efficiently and avoids waste. Two features allow me to see at a glance whether I have enough fabric and how much I need to buy. This is a big advantage for me as a quilter and as a designer.  "Combo Layouts" and "Custom Page Sizes" are the secret to success.
Store Owners - What's Your Niche?
 2/1/2015 7:31:34 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Don't let your quilt shop be an unorganized collection of fabric and notions. Get a notion to have your own niche and shine as a quilt shop. Read how!
QuiltingHub is Mobile Friendly
 2/1/2015 6:46:35 PM
 System Admin
 Discusses the mobile friendly features on QuiltingHub.
Universal Templates from FP - The best templates ever!
 1/5/2015 8:48:49 AM
 Linda Franz
 My first choice is always to print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo and an Inkjet printer. It is faster, easier and more accurate than using any kind of template. However, there are some situations where templates make sense, and these are my favorites!
Inklingo 'Layer to Cut' for Machine Piecing
 11/30/2014 6:06:48 PM
 Linda Franz
 Layer to Cut is an easy way to prepare accurate shapes for machine piecing—without measuring, without templates. This article describes the amazing advantages of a very simple approach using Inklingo. Print a few, cut a bunch!
Get more attractions with your events
 11/30/2014 12:16:21 PM
 System Admin
 This article covers the fact that adding events will get more attention to your listing and your organization.
Completed Pages Get More Visibility
 11/30/2014 12:05:12 PM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub has a lot of quilters looking for quilt shops, so how as a shop owner to I get some of that traffic into my store? Answer: Complete your page!
QuiltingHub Listing Accuracy
 11/30/2014 11:44:41 AM
 System Admin
 Since 2013 QuiltingHub has been the most trusted and most visited quilting resources site to find quilt shops. We discuss how accuracy played a rule.
8 Fast Ways To Use Inklingo For English Paper Piecing
 10/31/2014 9:24:38 PM
 Linda Franz
 English Paper Piecing is an art and a skill. We discuss 8 fast ways to make English paper piecing more accurate, fun, and easy. Read the tips now.
Inset Seams - A Quilting Phobia
 9/1/2014 8:23:12 PM
 Linda Franz
 Some quilters have a phobia about Inset Seams.  This article explains why some quilters love inset seams and why you don't have to fear them anymore.
Love What You Do And Success Will Follow
 8/24/2014 6:15:47 AM
 Paul Johnson
 My name is Paul Johnson. I created QuiltingHub.com. Let me share with you about the importance of loving what you do. Let me share my story.
Crazy about Hexagons
 7/31/2014 9:56:13 PM
 Linda Franz
 Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC) and Pieced Hexagons or “hexies” are everywhere these days. This article includes some of our best tips for designing and sewing your quilt using Inklingo.
Is Your Sewing Kit Pretty Or Practical? Or Both?
 6/30/2014 9:09:06 PM
 Linda Franz
 We all need tools for quilting. This brief article covers some of the quilting tools you might want to have and why.
4 Keys To Success In The Quilting Industry
 6/30/2014 8:56:01 AM
 System Admin
 Often the keys to success start with your mind, and then the actions come to reach your goals. Read these quick tips on how to succeed.
Top 5 Questions You Wanted to Ask Rhianon Taylor
 6/24/2014 8:07:21 AM
 System Admin
 Top 5 Questions You Wanted to Ask Rhianon Taylor
How To Add An Event
 6/4/2014 11:57:03 AM
 System Admin
 This is the help page for adding events to QuiltingHub covering the most common issues.
How to Fussy Cut with No Waste
 5/31/2014 8:26:09 PM
 Linda Franz
 Quilters and non-quilters are fascinated by the Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses blocks,  Kaleidoscope Stars, and fussy cut LeMoyne Stars posted online and especially on Facebook. This article describes how simple it is to get spectacular effects without wasting fabric using Inklingo. You don't have to tell anyone how easy it is. It can be our little secret.
Top 5 Questions You Wanted to Ask Ami Simms
 5/31/2014 7:56:25 AM
 System Admin
 The Top 5 Questions You Wanted to Ask Ami Simms
The 5 Things That Will Make You A Better Quilter
 5/27/2014 12:21:03 PM
 Ami Simms
 It's all about satisfaction and fun. So says Ami Simms, a quilter for almost 40 years. Read her take on becoming a better quilter and learn why better is 'funner.'
Top Ways To Publicize Quilt Shows
 4/29/2014 12:24:01 PM
 Donna Walsh
 What are some of the best ways to publicize your quilt show? A former guild publicist shares her tops tips for your success. Share this with every guild publicity chairperson.
Tips On Growing Your Quilt Shop in Any Economy
 4/29/2014 11:10:12 AM
 Donna Walsh
 As a former social media marketer for quilt shops, Donna shares tips quilt shops can use to grow the shop in any economy.
Using Facebook Business Pages Effectively
 3/29/2014 3:39:24 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 We all know Facebook is important at growing your organization, but what should we look at and do when we start a business Facebook page?
Speaker Event 'Hooked' To a Guild Event
 3/29/2014 1:59:31 PM
 System Admin
 Guild Speakers Can Click They Are Speaking At An Event. This is article is outdated from the images, but the actions work fine.
Adding Call-For-Entry Or Call-For-Charity Events
 3/29/2014 1:26:50 PM
 System Admin
 Quilt guilds begin using QuiltingHub.com to publicize call-for-entry and call-for-charity quilts. Leverage 310,000 quilters for your next call. Use it now!
SQUARE: A Service Provider's Best Friend
 3/3/2014 7:59:58 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Have you gotten your SQUARE reader yet? If not, it is time to order one and get started using this valuable tool. Read how it can help you get more sales.
Applique Tutorial: Machine and Raw Applique
 2/28/2014 1:12:35 PM
 System Admin
 Appliqué can make your quilts come alive. Read this amazing tutorial on how to do machine appliqué  and raw appliqué. Share it with all your friends.
Applique Tutorial: Needle-Turn and Freezer Paper
 2/28/2014 1:12:09 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Appliqué can make your quilts come alive. Read this amazing tutorial on how to do needle-turn appliqué  and freezer paper appliqué. Share it with everyone!
Starting An Online Quilt Shop
 2/28/2014 1:12:06 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Setting up an online quilt shop can be complex. This article covers the first key decisions you have to make to be successful.
Marking Dark Color Fabrics Without Marking
 2/28/2014 1:12:01 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 As quilters we know that marking on dark colored fabrics is difficult at best, so what are out options? Read 3 great methods & share with your friends.
3 Ways to Use Left Over Bindings
 2/27/2014 4:50:54 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 3 fascinating and fun ideas of how to use the left over fabric from your quilt bindings.  Some are so fun, you have to share this article with others.
Garden Path Quilts Says Invest In QuiltingHub
 2/3/2014 6:22:18 AM
 Barb Grutter
 Barb Grutter, owner of Garden Path Quilts in Cedar Rapids Michigan, highly recommends you invest in your member listing for your quilt shop today. QuiltingHub Ratings and Reviews
How to sew Perfect Hourglass Blocks with Inklingo
 2/2/2014 2:31:06 PM
 Linda Franz
 Ever get frustrated sewing hourglass blocks? Read about a fascinating way to sew them perfectly every single time using your printer as a guide. Read about it now!
Understanding Your Quilt Shop Market Visibility
 2/1/2014 1:57:06 PM
 System Admin
 Here's a quick breakdown of the 4 listing levels available to all quilt shops on QuiltingHub.  Let's explore it!
No More Binding!
 2/1/2014 12:57:28 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you hate to make binding?  Do binding corners never come out right?  Skip the binding?  Yes, you really can make a quilt without binding!
What Is A Scant?
 1/27/2014 5:46:28 AM
 Toby Lischko
 Everyone has a different definition of what a "scant" quarter inch seam allowance is. I want to clear the air and demonstrate how you can get a "exact" quarter inch seam each time you sew for accurate blocks.
How to Print on Fabric—Jam Free
 12/4/2013 8:17:32 AM
 Linda Franz
 Quilters are naturally concerned about putting fabric into a printer. They don't want to waste fabric or break the printer. If you prepare the sheets well and learn what your printer likes, jams are rare, printing is fun, and the benefits are awesome. Printing the cutting and stitching lines on fabric with Inklingo can change your quilting life. It sets you free.
Back-Basting Applique with Inklingo
 11/1/2013 1:41:28 PM
 Linda Franz
 Spend your time stitching, not tracing, making templates or positioning patches! We think you will love this simple method because it gives such perfect results.
Growing Quilting Through Social Media
 11/1/2013 9:58:50 AM
 System Admin
 The quilting industry has gone under profound changes recently. Make sure your quilting group or business is aware of these changes and adapts accordingly.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - YouTube
 10/21/2013 9:22:10 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 YouTube allows you to bring motion pictures
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Websites
 10/21/2013 9:20:54 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 Your web site is the place to put static information you always want out there. It's the place to answer the who, what, when, why questions about your business or group. It's also your front door/ window. It welcomes people in.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - QuiltingHub
 10/21/2013 9:20:51 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 QuiltingHub ties all of quilting together in one place. Users can accurately find all events, shops, museums, services and manufacturers in one place. They can even plan trips based on what they can visit or do . The simplified search process makes it so much easier for them to find you.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Pinterest
 10/21/2013 9:19:18 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 Pinterest is a picture based bulletin board where you post images to generate interest or share what you are doing. Users can click into the site which brings them back to you to generate and hold their interest.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Blogs
 10/21/2013 9:18:42 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 Blogs give you the chance to show who you are, what you are about or what is going on. Blogs can be re-posted Facebook and Pinterest to grow your following, drive traffic to your site or to keep interest.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters - Facebook
 10/21/2013 9:18:39 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 Facebook is a social bulletin board that allows you to post all kinds of messages and media to generate and maintain interest.Users re-share this information which grows your following and keeps their eye on you.
Internet Wonderland For Quilters
 10/21/2013 9:12:56 AM
 Ellen Eddy
 Growing Your Quilting Community
Jelly Roll Quilt in less than 35 minutes!
 9/28/2013 3:31:09 PM
 Marci Baker
 I wondered how fast could I sew a jelly roll quilt. So I challenged myself and you can see how I pieced the top in less than 35 minutes with great looking seams I might add! And you can use these concepts too.
How to sew stars with perfect intersections
 9/5/2013 5:51:31 PM
 Linda Franz
 Sewing stars with perfect intersections can be difficult.  Read this detailed article with photos on how to sew 6 and 8 point stars perfectly!
Affiliate Programs
 9/5/2013 5:51:02 PM
 Linda Franz
 Inklingo uses Affiliate Marketing instead of traditional advertising. The program is designed to benefit quilt shops but many shop owners are not familiar with the benefits or how affiliation works. This article introduces a great way for your shop to improve profits.
Maximize Your Blog Listing on QuiltingHub
 8/5/2013 4:46:31 PM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your blog. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
How to Sew Flying Geese
 8/1/2013 2:18:15 PM
 Linda Franz
 This method of sewing Flying Geese saves time and gives perfect results. It is also a good example of the new methods you can use for dozens of other quilt blocks when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo.
Making Melody - Free Quilt Pattern by Elisa Backporch Design
 7/2/2013 4:06:24 PM
 System Admin
 Making Melody - Free Quilt Pattern by Elisa Backporch Design - EBD 1103
Maximize Your Service Listing on QuiltingHub
 5/11/2013 10:35:27 AM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your service. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
Sponsor Pages
 1/12/2013 5:02:49 PM
 System Admin
 Sponsor Pages (Do Not Edit - Maintained By Software)
Sharing QuiltingHub on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and Newsletters
 12/7/2012 3:18:40 PM
 System Admin
 Example sharing posts for social media, websites, emails and newsletters.
Maximize Your Group Listing on QuiltingHub
 12/6/2012 5:13:45 PM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your Quilt Guild, Association, or societies. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
Maximize Your Brand Listing on QuiltingHub
 12/6/2012 3:16:10 PM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your brand. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
Maximize Your Quilt Shop Listing on QuiltingHub
 12/6/2012 11:12:18 AM
 System Admin
 This is your custom guide on how to get the most out of QuiltingHub for your Quilt Shop. This article only works if viewed from the listing detail page.
Story Of QuiltingHub
 12/5/2012 3:52:59 PM
 System Admin
 Who, Why, What and Future of QuiltingHub.
Ugly Quilt Fabric? - What To Do With It!
 12/4/2012 8:33:20 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 Do you have quilt fabric that you now this is ugly? I have put together 4 great ideas to use to get rid of that fabric from your stash! Read it and share!
Share QuiltingHub with others
 12/4/2012 11:47:09 AM
 System Admin
 QuiltingHub is unique and you want to share it with others.  Here are some ideas.
Even Easier Quilt As You Go!
 8/7/2012 1:30:49 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 No need to be frustrated with quilting, you can quilt as you go! This fun tutorial will guide your using the timeless Nimble Courthouse Steps block.
Top 10 Essential Tools For The Beginning Quilter
 8/7/2012 1:25:15 PM
 Quilting Contessa
 As a new or beginning quilter, what tools should you consider going out a buying? We cover the top 10 tools you should own right now.
What People Are Saying About QuiltingHub
 7/26/2012 8:14:38 AM
 System Admin
 What are people in the quilting industry saying about the website.
Making My First Quilt, But Where Do I Start?
 5/15/2012 9:46:14 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 When making your first quilt, it can be overwhelming figuring out how to start. I cover the key points to consider and get you started!
Listing And Member Page Policy
 5/13/2012 12:58:01 PM
 System Admin
 Defines the policy for listings and member pages on QuiltingHub
Can I Submit Articles To QuiltingHub?
 5/13/2012 12:49:00 PM
 System Admin
 This article talks about how to become an author of QuiltingHub's 'How-To' section and how it can help you increase visibility for little to no investment.
Terms and Conditions of Pages
 5/13/2012 12:37:32 PM
 System Admin
 The payment terms and conditions that apply to quilting entities pages with us.
Fees And Privacy
 5/13/2012 12:25:40 PM
 System Admin
 Fees and Privacy
Estimating Yardage By Bed Size
 5/13/2012 11:36:24 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 Estimating yardage for a project.
Quilts Make Noise?
 5/13/2012 11:32:49 AM
 Quilting Contessa
 A funny short story about a strange noise coming from the quilting room and what it turned out to be.
Quilt Shop Advertising - Best Results
 5/13/2012 11:18:49 AM
 System Admin
 When choosing the best way to advertise your quilt shop, you need to show off your best where quilters are looking for you. Look no further.
Advertise Your Next Quilt Show
 5/12/2012 5:37:32 PM
 System Admin
 Find our why QuiltingHub.com is the smartest and best choice to advertise your quilt shows and get started today! Share with all guild publicists.
Simple Basic Beginner Quilt
 5/12/2012 5:18:30 PM
 System Admin
 This quilt idea is surprisingly easy! Great pattern for beginners.
Binding A Quilt Using Traditional Methods
 5/12/2012 4:28:29 PM
 System Admin
 How to use the traditional method of binding a quilt using an extra piece of fabric and sewing it along the outside edge of the quilt.
Binding Reference Charts
 5/12/2012 4:10:53 PM
 System Admin
 Bias cut and Straight cut Binding Reference Charts
Binding a Quilt Using The Classic Rollover
 5/12/2012 4:05:19 PM
 System Admin
 This is a great article covers how to bind a quilt using the classic rollover. It is easier and more effective than you might think. Read how.